Saturday, May 16, 2020

Contemporary Police Problem - 968 Words

CONTEMPORARY POLICE PROBLEM ROEL F. BALUGO TYPES AND FORMS OF CORRUPTION Corruption is not limited to the present day, for as long there have been a police, there has been policecorruption. Four Types of Corruption 1. GRATUITIES  are small tips on goods purchased. In many communities some prohibits gratuities, whileothers do not.2. TAKING BRIBES  the payment of money or other consideration to police officers with intent to subvert theaims of the criminal justice system.3. THEFT OR ROBBERY - the taking of money or property by the police while performing their duties is anotherform of corruption.4. INTERNAL CORRUPTION  officers pay members of their departments for special assignments orpromotions.†¦show more content†¦Elements of Management 1. Authority which comes from law, tradition and delegation.2. Responsibility which is the state being accountable. Functions of Management 1. Planning2. Organizing3. Staffing4. D irecting5. Coordinating6. Reporting7. Budgeting Objectives of Police Personnel Management 1. T o maintain the authorized strength of the PNP pursuant to Section 6 of P D 1184.2. T o implement the merit system pertaining to promotion, assignments, training and awards.3. T o minimize administrative and criminal cases among personnel4. T o improve benefit claims of police personnel5. T o ensure the designation of qualified and trained officers and men in the personnel staff, units and offices.6. T o review internal organization, in order to reduce administrative overloads.7. T o ensure effective coordination, control and supervision of functions and activities of the different units.8. T o procure only personnel with appropriate police eligibility and qualification.9. T o ensure effective and proper recruitment of qualified police applicants as well as to maintain theauthorized civilian working force. Document necessary in Personnel Management 1. Roster of personnel2. Statistical summary and changes on personnel roster3. 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