Tuesday, February 25, 2020

About information technology Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

About information technology - Research Paper Example The major processes that take place in information technology include, Data to be used in any project is collected from the field and entered into the computer using several data input devices like the keyboard and the scanner. The data is then stored in the computer system for later use. Storing data in the field of information technology is done with internal computer hard disks and other external storage devices. These devices store data that is important to the users of the systems involved (Doyle, 2000). A database refers to a group of related data collected and stored together in a computer system to be used in the near future. Most database systems contain a number of different components that allow the stored data to be easily accessible by multiple users while at the same time maintaining the integrity of the data (Hannabuss, 2009). Data retrieval refers to the process of obtaining the processed data from the computer by various users. An example of data that is retrieved from the computer is of different nature and can be derived from different sources within the computer storage systems or from external sources (Ray, 2004). The external sources in which data can be retrieved include the Internet and the retrieved data is usually used to facilitate some decision support systems. Data transmission refers to the transfer of data from one computer to the other. Transmission takes three aspects that are, propagation, transmission and reception. The transmitted data is used by the computer users to complete some specific projects and in the decision-making process (Ray, 2004). Transmission can also be done through the Internet. There is a lot of data storage in the world today and the amount of data available for use is increasing each day. An equal number of data users accompany the increase in the amount of data

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Anglo- Saxon culture Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Anglo- Saxon culture - Research Paper Example It is one of the first British literature recorded epic poem (Clyne, 1987). It is the symbol of creative Anglo Saxon Art and Literature. Beowulf is an important character within the poem. This poem revealed several values of the Anglo Saxon culture. These specific values include their belief in revenge, loyalty and boasting. Values of the Anglo Saxons Beowulf is considered as one of the most epic poem of the British literature. This poem has effectively portrayed the culture and value system of Anglo Saxon. Three most important values, such as courage, honour and kinship has been thoroughly discussed in this poem. While these are all sovereign societal and cultural values, they worked collaboratively in order to reflect the clear picture of the culture. The Anglo-Saxon period is one of the oldest periods of time that availed a complex culture with stable art, culture, literature and political structure. During that period of time, culture of several societies was unsophisticated. But the Anglo Saxon culture was extremely advanced considering the time period. Anglo-Saxon time is a time that filled with effective advancements and discoveries in society, religion, art, literature, culture and government. The Anglo Saxon period was lasted for almost 600 years. During these 600 years, the Anglo Saxon brought own cultural values, beliefs and religion (Howe, 1993). They had competence in creative art, literature and architecture. The Anglo Saxon art is highly popular and recognized throughout the globe. The illustrated manuscript of Anglo Saxon culture is effectively utilized across the globe. Beowulf was their fast poem. They have effectively incorporated their culture and value system in this poem. It was the essence of warfare culture and values of Anglo Saxon that has been revealed in this poem. The poem also reveals different universal and paramount themes. These include heroic deeds, deadly personification and raw emotions like pride, greed and glory. The indivi duals within the group were quite loyal towards their leader as they believed that their leader can protect them from an enemy or other terrors in order to gain loyalty. Courtesy, generosity, courage, personal valour, loyalty, faith and fame are the major characteristics of the Anglo Saxon society. They admired the men from various tribal backgrounds for their outstanding courage (Weale, Weiss, Jager & Bradman, 2002). They believed in the significance of loyalty of a leader. They effectively valued the severe personal valour that was necessary for survival. Everybody within the cultural and societal background was aware of shortness of life. Last but not the least; everyone competed for fate and fame which is the only thing that ever lasted. The Anglo Saxon Culture as Reflected in Beowulf The social structure of Anglo Saxon consisted of several tribal units. A chieftain was the king of these units. The leader theoretically earned respect from their warriors. However, each and every culture has its own sets of customs, values and beliefs. Cultural values, beliefs and assumptions are indirectly or directly acquired throughout a lifetime. It is true that the culture is the sum of an entire group’s lay of life and there is no difference with the antique Anglo Saxon culture. The importance of values, heroes or leaders and religion effectively reflected in the Beowulf epic poem. According to their beliefs and values, the