Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Leasing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Leasing - Essay Example This is a long term purchase where the price value should be substantially lower than the market value which determines the amount to be recorded. c. During the first year of the lease, Lani is expected to incur expenses that equals or exceeds at least 90 per cent of the fair value of the property that is leased. Basically, these expenses are determined by the value of the property at inception of the lease and this value is agreed by both the lessee and lessor. d. Lani should report the lease transaction on its December 31, 2006, balance sheet as an acquisition of an asset. Virtually, a lease agreement transfers ownership of property to the lessee and this should be reflected on the balance sheet as purchase of assets which adds property value to the company. 2a. The criteria that must be met by Doherty Company to classify it as a capital lease is that it must transfer substantially all of the benefits and risks of the ownership of property to the lessee. If the agreement transfers the property rights to the lessee, then it will be classified as a capital leases given that it will be an acquisition of the property by the lessee. In this particular case, Doherty Company should transfer ownership to the lessee in order for it to classify it as a capital lease. b. In order for Lambert Company to classify the lease as a sales-type, it must be able to realise a profit from the lease or be able to determine if it is making a loss. In actual fact, Lambert Company as the lessor must be better positioned to generate some revenue that can contribute to the profit margins of the organisation. Lambert Company can classify this lease as direct financing lease if it does not record any profit from the lease. It will be widely viewed as a lending institution. c. The main difference between a sales type lease and a direct financing lease is that the main reason behind a sales lease is to realise profits while direct financing is not primarily concerned with profits but just r evenue generation. Therefore, the purpose of the lease and the goals to be achieved are the major factors that make a distinction between the two. However, accounting steps for these two types of leases are just the same. Part 2 During the contemporary period, it can be noted that companies continue to acquire property to improve their operations. Leasing is an alternative means of acquiring long-term assets to be used by business firms (Schroeder, Clark & Cathey, 2005). Leases provide for the right for use of the property by the lessees since they are given the obligation to make a series of payments over a long period of time. As such, leases are similar to long-term debt which enables the lessee to utilise off-balance sheet financing. This paper therefore is mainly concerned with explaining the meaning of debt and equity financing in relation to lease verses purchase options. According to wisegeek, â€Å"debt financing is a way of raising some funds to generate working capital f or the organisation which can be used to fund special projects.† In this regard, the issuer may issue bonds or other debt instruments that can be used as a means of financing the debt associated with the project. Debt financing has a clear start and end

Monday, October 28, 2019

Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry Essay Example for Free

Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry Essay White makes right means that the whites are never wronged for their actions whenever a white does something clearly wrong to a black while the black has done right. In fact, the blame is pushed to the blacks instead, simply because whites are perceived to be the superior race. What is counted as morally right or morally wrong depends on how society perceives it, when what is usually right or wrong should not be determined by how the majority feels towards another race, especially when they are biased. As such, this has resulted in a lot of unjust treatment towards the blacks. This can be clearly seen through three incidents: Mr Morrisons loss of a job, the burning of the Berrys and Cassies encounter with Lillian Jean in Strawberry. Firstly, an incident that illustrates White makes right is Mr Morrisons loss of a job, since he is depicted as being in the wrong although he was provoked into the fight, and he is made to bear the consequences although there are no consequences for the others, simply because of their race. Mr Morrison lost his job as he got in a fight with some men whose fault was theirs. However, the other men did not get fired because they was white. This shows that one’s actions’ consequences differs based on race. Starting a fight is clearly wrong, and as the whites were the ones who started it, it is only fair if they got fired. However, even though Mr Morrison did not start the fight, he got fired instead of the other men just because they were white and deemed superior to blacks. This shows that blacks are not allowed to start a fight without being punished regardless of the injustice targeted at them. However, whites are allowed to because of underlying reasons and they will not be punished as they have justifiable reasons. Thus, white makes right is clearly shown in this case, where we see that regardless of whether the whites do the wrong things towards the blacks, the main detrimental consequences will still be for the blacks and not the whites, simply because of racism. Also, this shows us that when whites do something which is wrong, it is simply brushed aside and they do not really suffer many consequences, however the blacks suffer the consequences instead once they decide to respond. Secondly, an incident that illustrates White makes right is the burning of the Berrys. White men accused John Henry of flirtin' with a white woman and began rammin the back of they car and lit him afire with them boys. When Henrietta, a relative of the Berrys, reported it to the police, he called her a liar and aint a thing gonna be done bout it. Attacking and killing somebody is clearing wrong and illegal. However, the white men go unpunished. This clearly shows that white men can get away with abusing and killing black men. To justify their actions, they find an excuse, which in this case John Henry had been flirting with a white woman, while probably all he did was smile in the wrong place at the wrong time. The blacks clearly did not do anything wrong, but Henriettas testimony is powerless to make the police investigate. This shows that the blacks are denied justice despite the fact they are being victimised. It also shows that the truth is meaningless in white society. Thus, white makes right as the power of language is determined by race rather than validity, so they can come up with an excuse to justify their actions easily and accuse blacks of doing and result in them being punished. It is also extremely difficult for blacks to prove their innoncence, since people are generally biased against them, whereas the words spoken by whites are considered credible and believable. This also shows that white makes right, since the whites are deemed to be reliable and their statements the truth, as opposed to the blacks who are labelled as lying even if they tell the truth, so what the blacks say would naturally be labelled as wrong while the whites would be labelled as right. Thirdly, an incident that illustrates White makes right is Cassies encounter with Lillian Jean in Strawberry. When Cassie bumped into Lillian Jean, she demanded Cassie to get down in the road and apologize by addressing her as Miz Lillian Jean. As whites are deemed to be superior to blacks in white society, when a black collides into a white, blacks should apologise to the whites and never the other way round as they are always perceived as correct. However, if a black were to demand fair, equal treatment, it is stated that this is not necessary as it is considered demeaning for the whites to apologise to blacks, or even to address them normally. This shows us that regardless of blacks’ intentions, and whether they do something out of accident or not, it really depends on the whites’ perception of their actions. The moment whites decide that their actions are wrong, such as bumping into Lillian jean accidentally, we see that the Cassie is automatically labelled as wrong based on her actions. However, if Lillian Jean were to engage in the same action, she would not be forced to apologise to Cassie, neither would she be forced to call Cassie with the honorific of â€Å"Miss. † Thus, white makes right since the whites are able to state whether the blacks’ actions have wronged them or not, even when the blacks did it unintentionally, and we see that if the whites do the same actions on the blacks, they do not need to apologise, whereas the blacks not only need to apologise, but also have to address them with respectful terms. To conclude, the three incidents that illustrate White makes right are Mr Morrisons loss of a job, the burning of the Berrys and Cassies encounter with Lillian Jean in Strawberry. Mr Morrisons loss of job shows that regardless of what the blacks do, as long as they respond to the whites when provoked, then they are considered to be at fault and are made to bear the consequences. The burning of the Berrys show that the power of language is determined by race rather than validity, making whatever the whites say reliable and making it difficult for the blacks to prove their innocence. Cassies encounter with Lillian Jean in Strawberry shows how the blacks’ actions, even when unintentional, can be construed as bad just because the whites perceive them to be so, and the blacks are made to apologise to the whites with honorific terms of respect even though they may not have intentionally done anything to harm them. Thus, this clearly shows how â€Å"white makes right.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

A Brief History of Aesthetics Essay -- essays papers

A Brief History of Aesthetics Aesthetics is the theoretical study of the arts and related types of behavior and experience. It is traditionally regarded as a branch of philosophy, concerned with the understanding of beauty and its manifestations in art and nature. However, in the latter 20th century there developed a tendency to treat it as an independent science, concerned with investigating the phenomena of art and its place in human life. Yet, what in a field with a hazy line in between being classified as a science or study of beliefs is considered data for determining what can be studied? It can simply be drawn to the only three things involved in the process of art : The creator, the person experiencing, and the art itself. Now this leads us to understand what exactly, is art. studies all the typical â€Å"arts†. This includes music, literature, theatre, dance, film, as well as painting, sculpture, and architecture. This directs the student towards a very broad field. For example, architecture may involve the Sistine Chapel, considered one of the world’s most loved works of art. However, it may also include the landscaping in a small town square. So then, art is defined as something that deals with both the â€Å"useful† and â€Å"fine† arts, insofar as they appeal to aesthetic taste, or as long as they are created with the specific intent to cause a reaction, whether it be positive or negative. Some disagreement about the proper definition of survives from the conflict of rival schools of thought in philosophy and art criticism during the 18th ad 19th centuries, when first achieved recognition as a distinct field of knowledge and examination. The turning point which influenced most scholars to believe that leaned toward the sciences, rather than towards philosophy began with Immanuel Kant’s Critique of Aesthetic Judgment. The approach to beauty and art became more metaphysical and transcendental. A leader in the renewed attempt of art as science was Hippolyte Taine, who proposed that styles of art should be studied in the same way as plants are studied by botanists, and are subject to the same evolutionary development. At the same time in Germany, the name Kunstwissenschaft was applied to the historical writings of Semper, Fiedler, Burckhardt, and Riegl. In their writings, they strove for neutrality in comparative analysis i... ...took place. Through , an area of its own had been set aside for man’s artistic creativity. Now independence turned into domination, and the tendency towards differentiation gave way to desire for total inclusiveness. Art, after liberating itself from service under alien powers, (namely the repression of artists and their art, or the lack of education in the arts) aspired in its turn to embrace life in its entirety. In everything, there is art, and in art, there is everything. Or so it was in German romantic thought. Throughout the history of , which is arguably the length of time held within the universe, not much has been distorted. Art, along with is an incredibly difficult subject to comprehend, due to the varying nature of themes, opinions, and judgments. Not to cite all the societies, time periods, ethnicities, age and gender biased opinions. It is neither a science, nor a philosophy. It is both. within itself is a beauty, which will forever perplex the minds of the world. Art, placed in the neighborhood of philosophy and science reveals its innate inclination, (although undefined) to forever intrigue and perplex both the scientific and philosophical minds.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

The Social and Cultural Costs and Benefits of Entering a Sport Not Trad

The Social and Cultural Costs and Benefits of Entering a Sport Not Traditional to Your Sex/Gender Throughout time, sports have been thought of as feminine sports or masculine sports. Some sports that are thought of as feminine are gymnastics, swimming, tennis, riding, and ice-skating. These tend to be sports that emphasize beauty and grace. Men's sports tend to emphasize strength and power, like football, basketball, or bodybuilding. The social and cultural stereotypes that are placed on men and especially women in the sports world can be hard for an athlete to deal with. Men are expected to be masculine and strong in their sports, while females are expected not to overexert themselves and still keep their feminine appeal. Who is to say what sports are okay for men and women to participate in? Is it fair to place stereotypes on people who are just doing what they love to do? Will these stereotypes diminish over time? In history, women have been given a hard time for coming into sports. Since at least the late 1800s there have been myths about women in sports, some of which we are still working on debunking to this day. Some include the notion that sport masculinizes women, sports are medically risky for women, the female body was not made for sports performance, women are not interested in sports, and women cannot psychologically take the pressure of sports (Oglesby & Shelton, 9). Women were seen as fragile and unable to compete on the same level as men could in sports. Women of this time who played softball, basketball, or track were considered "unladylike" and were questioned of their femininity (Spears, 13). Public recognition of individual female athletes deals more with their feminine beauty and status than to athlet... ...ting could become a role model for a young boy who thought that people would think that he was gay if he skated. Although there are cultural and social costs associated with a person entering a sport that is not traditional for his or her gender, there are also some benefits. The question that only the athlete can answer is whether the benefits out weigh the costs enough to stick with it. I have hope that stereotypes in sports will become less observed. Sports have changed so much in the last century. Women were barely allowed to play certain sports like basketball at the turn of the last century and now we have professional woman's basketball. More changes are coming, slowly but surely they are coming. Just the fact that we are now questioning the costs and benefits of being in a sport that is not necessarily for your gender/sex is a step in the right direction.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

On the Sidewalk Bleeding: Newspaper Article Essay

Last night at approximately 11:30 pm, Andy Anderson had become the latest victim of gang violence in the borough of Queens. Andy was stabbed when he darted through a back alley on his way to buy a package of cigarettes at Alfredo’s on the next block. At that exact time, he was ambushed and later stabbed by a member of the GUARDIANS. A rival gang of the Royals. The ROYALS being that of which Andy was a part of. According to police officers that arrived on the scene about 45 minutes after the ambush occurred. â€Å"Andy Anderson was wearing a bright, purple, silk jacket with The ROYALS stitched across the back of the jacket and Andy delicately stitched in black lettering over the heart.† Police also knew that when they saw ROYALS on his jacket that this wasn ‘t a random act of violence, and that this was a planned attack. This attack shows the extreme dangers of Gang violence in the borough of Queens.† When police found Andy â€Å"On The Sidewalk Bleeding†, they had known that he had already died. This was because of three reasons: the location of the stab wound, the location of the wound, and how long it tom for EMS personnel to arrive on the scene. Police were also able to find him on the sidewalk with his girlfriend Laura who had this to say: â€Å"When I didn’t see Andy for a long period of time, I knew something wasn’t right and by the time I left the school and got to him it was too late†¦ he was dead. Police officers have just commenced their investigation and an autopsy will be conducted in the coming days to find out the time of death. Police would like anyone with any kind of information to contact 69 Division or to leave an anonymous tip for Crime Stoppers.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Biological Rhythms essays

Biological Rhythms essays All plants and animals have endogeous cycles that, in response to an outside rhythm (zeitgeber), will cue various actions. For example, bears know they must hibernate, poinsettias know they must flower and humans know they need sleep. In correspondence with a particular season, length of day, and light intensity respectively, these events will occur. In the example with the poinsettia, the vegetative/flower cycle is synchronized with a day length cycle that has longer hours of darkness, resulting in a chemical reaction that releases florigen and signals to the poinsettia to flower. Similarly, a chemical reaction takes place in humans with their sleep/wake cycle. This will be discussed in the essay along with disorders associated with this cycle. Humans possess many biological clocks. Depending on the cycle it could be an infradian (longer than a day), ultradian (shorter than a day), circadian (about a day), or circannual (about a year) rhythm. In the case of the humans internal sleep/wake cycle, its a circadian rhythm. The human sleep/wake cycle is a bit longer than 24 hours (closer to 25 hours), therefore it needs an entraining agent or zeitgeber. This is an external environmental rhythm which will keep it in sync with the 24 hour day. The most dominant cycle is the light/dark cycle. However, its necessary to transmit the external information to the internal cycle so that synchronization is achieved. As infants, our sleep/wake cycle was initially random compared to that of our parents or guardian. Eventually, over the course of 6 weeks, we began to adapt the circadian cycle and after approximately 4 months, we were entrained to the 24-hour cycle. This is due to the external cues of our parents/guardian. The human clock is found in the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN), which is a group of distinct cells in the hypothalamus, which is located in the brain. Light from the outsid ...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Free Essays on Donnes “Flea“

Wit and Religious Imagery in â€Å"The Flea† In his funny little poem â€Å"The Flea,† John Donne merges wit with religious imagery in an attempt to convince a woman to sleep with him. In the first stanza Donne cleverly uses the humorous image of an insignificant flea that has just sucked the blood of both Donne and his intended lover as he tries to convince his beloved that the mingling of bodily fluids during intercourse would be just as innocent as their blood mingling inside the body of the flea. The first and second stanzas take on quite a whimsical tone as Donne elucidates to his beloved how innocuous premarital sex would be compared to what the flea has done. The way Donne implicitly hints at the erotic without explicitly stating anything, yet leaving no doubt in the reader’s mind as to what he means, is as much a source of the poem’s humor as is the silly image of the flea. In the second stanza Donne supports his argument and attempts to stop his beloved from killing the flea by calling the fle a â€Å"Our marriage bed and temple† (line 13). By spilling the blood of the flea, she would also be spilling the blood of Donne and herself, thereby practically committing murder: â€Å"Three lives in one flea spare† (line 10). This line equates the flea with a significant sacred ideal, the holy trinity. It would not only be murder though, Donne adds â€Å"And sacrilege, three sins in killing three†(line 18), which makes the flea all the more significant by again calling to mind the holy trinity. However, the unfortunate flea meets his match between stanzas two and three as Donne’s beloved puts an end to his nonsense and kills the symbol of their love. Donne chastises her by saying she has â€Å"Purpled thy nail in blood of innocence† (line 20), which brings up images of Christ’s crucifixion. Donne’s solution is to change tactics and assert to his beloved that since killing the flea was so easy and harmless, yielding to hi... Free Essays on Donne's â€Å"Fleaâ€Å" Free Essays on Donne's â€Å"Fleaâ€Å" Wit and Religious Imagery in â€Å"The Flea† In his funny little poem â€Å"The Flea,† John Donne merges wit with religious imagery in an attempt to convince a woman to sleep with him. In the first stanza Donne cleverly uses the humorous image of an insignificant flea that has just sucked the blood of both Donne and his intended lover as he tries to convince his beloved that the mingling of bodily fluids during intercourse would be just as innocent as their blood mingling inside the body of the flea. The first and second stanzas take on quite a whimsical tone as Donne elucidates to his beloved how innocuous premarital sex would be compared to what the flea has done. The way Donne implicitly hints at the erotic without explicitly stating anything, yet leaving no doubt in the reader’s mind as to what he means, is as much a source of the poem’s humor as is the silly image of the flea. In the second stanza Donne supports his argument and attempts to stop his beloved from killing the flea by calling the fle a â€Å"Our marriage bed and temple† (line 13). By spilling the blood of the flea, she would also be spilling the blood of Donne and herself, thereby practically committing murder: â€Å"Three lives in one flea spare† (line 10). This line equates the flea with a significant sacred ideal, the holy trinity. It would not only be murder though, Donne adds â€Å"And sacrilege, three sins in killing three†(line 18), which makes the flea all the more significant by again calling to mind the holy trinity. However, the unfortunate flea meets his match between stanzas two and three as Donne’s beloved puts an end to his nonsense and kills the symbol of their love. Donne chastises her by saying she has â€Å"Purpled thy nail in blood of innocence† (line 20), which brings up images of Christ’s crucifixion. Donne’s solution is to change tactics and assert to his beloved that since killing the flea was so easy and harmless, yielding to hi...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Collocations With Money for ESL Learners

Collocations With Money for ESL Learners An important step to improving your English vocabulary is to not only learn the appropriate terms but to learn the words that commonly go together with those terms. These word combinations are often, adjective noun, verb noun, and noun verb pairs. Each of these collocation sheets provide collocations for commonly used words arranged into categories. Each collocation is illustrated with an example sentence. Adjectives + "Money" The following list includes adjectives that are commonly used with the noun money. Adjectives that are similar in meaning are grouped together. Each adjective or adjective group has an example sentence to illustrate usage. easy He thinks working in marketing is easy money. I think hell find its quite a different story. bonus, extra If you complete the project before next Tuesday, therell be some bonus money. hard-earned The best way to feel good about any purchase is if its been made with hard-earned money. government, public, taxpayers Its not right to waste taxpayers money on projects that benefit those who are already wealthy. pocket, spending Would you like a little extra pocket money this weekend? gas, lunch, petrol, rent, etc Could you lend me some lunch money today? prize, grant, scholarship They won a lot of grant money for their research into DNA. stolen, dirty, bribe, ransom I dont want your dirty money! hush, protection That gang is demanding protection money from every store on the street. Its scandalous! pension, retirement We plan to move to Hawaii with our retirement money. counterfeit, fake The police discovered more than $2 million in fake money. Verb + "Money" The following list includes verbs that are commonly followed by the noun money or an amount of a particular type of money or currency. Verbs that are similar in meaning are grouped together. Each verb or verb group has an example sentence to illustrate usage. coin, print The government printed a lot of money in 2001. count Lets count your money and see if you have enough to buy that. bring in, earn, make, The company brought in more than $4 million. borrow Could I borrow some money for this weekend? lend Ill lend you some money until next month. bank, deposit, pay in, pay into the bank, put in the bank I deposited a large amount of money last Friday. draw out, get out, take out, withdraw She took $500 out of our account. pay out, shell out, spend They paid out more than $300 dollars for that lamp. fritter away, squander, throw away I hate it when you squander our savings! hoard, save, set aside, stash away They set aside $200 each week for savings. contribute, donate, give They donated more than $200,000 to charity last year. give back, pay back, refund, repay Ill pay you back the money by the end of next week. owe She owes Thomas a lot of money. share Lets share the money weve found! accept, take Im afraid I cant accept your money. be worth That painting is worth a lot of money. change, exchange Id like to change twenty dollars, please. Could you give me four five dollar bills? allocate, earmark The committee decided to allocate $50,000 for the project. channel, direct, funnel The program directs more than $5 billion to help the homeless. embezzle, extort, siphon off, steal He was charged with embezzling money from the company. launder They used the internet to launder the stolen money. "Money" + Verb The following list includes verbs that commonly follow the noun money. Verbs that are similar in meaning are grouped together. Each verb or verb group has an example sentence to illustrate usage. come from something Money for the exhibit comes from donations to the museum. go to something The money goes to research. come in, flow in, pour in The money just kept pouring in! It was amazing! buy something Who says that money cant buy happiness? "Money" + Noun The following list includes nouns that commonly follow the noun money. Nouns that are similar in meaning are grouped together. Each noun or noun group has an example sentence to illustrate usage. management, manager I think you should hire a money manager for your savings. supply The money supply is very tight at the moment. order You can pay by money order. Phrases With "Money" The following list includes phrases made with the noun money. Each phrase has an example sentence to illustrate usage. bet money on something Lets bet $400 dollars on the race. get money off something Ask if you can get some money off the display model. get your moneys worth Make sure to spend the whole day at the park to get your moneys worth. on the money Your prediction was on the money! the smart money is on The smart money is on Tom for the directors position. throw money at something Dont just throw money at the project. Make sure you demand results. throw your money around Peter throws his money around like it meant nothing.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Critical review of research studies about effective strategies in Lab Report

Critical review of research studies about effective strategies in prolonging breastfeeding - Lab Report Example For mothers’ health, breastfeeding results in reducing risk of breast and ovarian cancers and enhancing maternal infant attachment, more rapid uterine involution, less postpartum depression and weight reduction (Peters, Wehkamp, Felberbaum, Krà ¼ger, & Linder, 2005; USPSTF, 2003). In particular, the decreased risks of breast and ovarian cancers are associated with the duration of breastfeeding in women. Peters et al. (2005) reported that the risk rate is reduced by 4.3% annually among women who breastfeed. Moreover, breastfeeding has cost-benefit. Health Maintenance Organisation in USA (cited in Peters et al., 2005) showed that a family with a child who was breastfed saved $808 for the child in three years. As a result of countless benefits of breastfeeding, the rates of mothers who commence breastfeeding have exponentially grown since 1960s. The World Health Organisation [WHO] (cited in Brttion et al., 2007) strongly recommends that all infants are exclusively breastfed for the first six months of their life. Despite of that, the rate of the breastfeeding continuation is lower than the WHO recommendation. Many infants in developed countries receive breast milk for a shorter period as well as in developing countries (Blyth et al., 2002; Dyson, McCormick, & Renfrew, 2005). In fact, the United Kingdom (UK) and the United States (US) have some of the lowest rates of breastfeeding initiation and duration among developed countries (Blyth et al., 2002; Dyson, McCormick, & Renfrew, 2005). According to WHO, only 35% of infants worldwide receive exclusive breastfeeding in five months postpartum (Peters et al., 2005; Spear, 2004). In Australia, the rate of mothers who continue with breastfeeding drops from 90% to 23% for six months postpartum (Blyth et al., 2002; Cadigan, & Perrin, 2007; Lumbigannon et al., 2007). There are many issues which contribute to short durations of breastfeeding, such as young

Friday, October 18, 2019

Discussion Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 14

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Risk Management Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Risk Management - Research Paper Example Identification and Description of Risk Management Issue Medical malpractice is a major risk management issue affecting most teaching hospitals. Medical professionals can define medical malpractice as the inaccurate administration of healthcare services to a patient. In most cases, this always result to harm in patients as the mistakes made by the medical professionals at times can lead to devastating effects like death or disabilities to the patient. In teaching hospitals, most professionals are still students who are undergoing training on various grounds by using the patients who register at the hospital for medical purposes as their tests subjects. The effects of Medical malpractice by a practicing practitioner who is not yet qualified can at times be disturbing because they range from wrong dose calculations, wrong dose prescriptions to wrong injections that the doctor did not prescribe (Baker, 2010). Discussion of Steps That Have Been Set In Place to Address the Issue To address the issue of Medical malpractice in major teaching hospitals, various steps are incorporated. ... Secondly, the hospitals have employed enough physicians who monitor patients before they undergo medical procedures to avoid Medical malpractice that may lead to excessive pain, emotional distress, or death to a patient. In addition, the physicians explain the rehabilitation process of patient to make them mentally prepared and avoid the emotional distress that are caused by the medical procedure he has undergone. Thirdly, medical professionals are required to conduct a thorough research on the patient’s history to avoid Medical malpractice from the medical professionals’ side that might lead to the unexpected death of a patient. Lastly, ‘failure mode effect analysis’ has been introduced in most teaching hospitals to avoid Medical malpractice that leads to delayed treatment of patients visiting the center for medical purposes, therefore, improving the quality of healthcare services administered to patients (Joint Commission on Accreditation Health., 2011). Discussion of How an Organization Has Determined a Path to Remedy the Problem Organizations have taken various paths to remedy the problem of Medical malpractice by laying emphasis on the patient’s consent before passing patients through various medical procedures that are risky, but are also essential in the diagnosis of a patient’s ailment. The consent allows the medical professionals to touch and administer required medication to a patient, and frees him or her from the discomfort or consequences caused by the treatment administered to patients by will (Joint Commission on Accreditation Health., 2011). The organization has also laid emphasis on the informed consent to make the client aware of the various stages that he or she will undergo while

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Evaluation of Aphrodite Greek Restaurant in Greater London Assignment

Evaluation of Aphrodite Greek Restaurant in Greater London - Assignment Example   A deferential Maitre d’ guides the customer to a table or the Bar, either directly or through the adjacent cloakroom. The front half of the cloakroom is divided into two by a lit-up wall, which has the figurines of the twelve Greek Gods in bas-relief, six on each face. Entrance from there into the restaurant is through a red-curtained doorway or into the bar through a blue-curtained doorway. Food is served both indoors and on the terrace, weather permitting. The terrace features Doric columns and a fountain around a statue of Aphrodite, â€Å"the Greek goddess of Love, Beauty and Eternal Youth†, epitomizing the Restaurant complex. The new tables and chairs have an elegant marble look about them. Crisp Greek linen is used, with embossed The comprehensive Menu Card is elegantly designed with bold lettering; items and prices can be read easily. It lists dishes from across the country, like Moussaka (stuffed tomatoes, aubergines or paprika), maridaki (fish) and Britzoles (chops). A separate barrel-shaped card provides the equally comprehensive Wine List. Lighting is automatically controlled to maintain a fixed luminosity. The walls feature discreet Hellenic art. The non-slip floor is dark brown wood that pales inwards into cream-colored marble. The Centre-piece is a Harp which provides mellifluous live music, reminiscent of the Seas around Greece. sets. The well-stocked bar displays many types of the traditional Greek drink, Ouzo, with its strong aroma of aniseed. Though colorless, Ouzo turns milky white when ice or water is added.

Tobacco Addiction Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Tobacco Addiction - Essay Example Nicotine is what which causes tobacco addiction; it is justified indeed as tobacco comes from a plant called Nicotiana. Hydrogen cyanide is also present in tobacco which is more commonly known as rat poison. Even the most forgotten corners of the world know for a fact that anything that contains tobacco is dangerous for health. It is rational that they know the risk. Still, one billion people use tobacco; that's more or less 16% of the world population!Smoking seems to help a lot of people overcome many problems; from wafting their troubles away to even thinking of it as some sort of a companion. A person starts smoking for a lot of reasons but once they start it seems harder and harder to quit. They become a drug addict: they crave for the feelings which arise in them whenever they smoke. Some people don't want to stop smoking others just can't tolerate the smell of the smoke. Smoking is cool for teens, a way of life for adults and a part of personality for the aged. People smoke so that they can concentrate on something, part with stress or just simply pass the time. People who smoke generally tend to feel relaxed which is not true as smoking immediately increases the heart rate, flow of blood from the heart and blood pressure. It does, however, calm the senses and numbs the fingers of feet and hands. It weakens appetite and feelings of hunger but it hasn't been proven that obese people would benefit from smoking. All this happens because the brain releases a lot of chemicals which eventually have the smoker in a sate of pure bliss. The nicotine receptor gene of smokers causes them to be eight times more prone to start smoking than non-smokers. Although there are five ways of smoking: cigarette, hookah, pipe, cigar and roll-your-owns; only cigarette is the most common. Cigarettes are known to have pleasing short-term effects but hazardous long-term ones. Nicotine, tar and carbon monoxide are the substances which make up the 'tobacco smoke.' Tobacco smoke is tasted or more commonly, inhaled. Nicotine takes exactly seven seconds to make up its way to the brain and trigger feelings in pleasing combinations of reduced anxiety, heightened pleasure, and a state of alert. It can be used as an anesthetic or a pick-me-up by controlling the amount of nicotine absorbed in the bloodstream. Extended, intense inhalations, additional puffs per cigarette, or smoking down to the end can increase the nicotine being absorbed to a level higher than the printed one. A large amount of diseases are caused by smoking. Over forty chemicals in the tobacco smoke can cause cancers of larynx, throat, tongue, lungs, bladder, pharynx, oesophagus, lips, colorectal, colon, nasal sinuses, nasal cavities, liver and stomach. It also plays a part in developing cancer of the cervix, pancreas, and kidneys. It causes cardiovascular disease, lung diseases such as chronic bronchitis, emphysema and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). It affects all parts of the body from the hair to the immune system. Smoking causes osteoporosis, cataract, leukemia, infertility, Buerger's disease, peptic ulcer, thyroid diseases, erectile dysfunction, sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), leukoplakia, skin disorders, peripheral vascular disease (PVD), stroke and insomnia. Passive smokers are also susceptible to diseases related to smoking. Environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) causes cardiovascular disease and lung cancer in non-smokers. Childhood exposed to ETS tend to have severe asthma. ETS exposure of toddlers also causes an increased risk of bronchitis, pneumonia and ear infections in them. Hence, smokers benefit many people by quitting smoking and they should be aware that anyone can quit smoking; it's just a matter of time

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Evaluation of Aphrodite Greek Restaurant in Greater London Assignment

Evaluation of Aphrodite Greek Restaurant in Greater London - Assignment Example   A deferential Maitre d’ guides the customer to a table or the Bar, either directly or through the adjacent cloakroom. The front half of the cloakroom is divided into two by a lit-up wall, which has the figurines of the twelve Greek Gods in bas-relief, six on each face. Entrance from there into the restaurant is through a red-curtained doorway or into the bar through a blue-curtained doorway. Food is served both indoors and on the terrace, weather permitting. The terrace features Doric columns and a fountain around a statue of Aphrodite, â€Å"the Greek goddess of Love, Beauty and Eternal Youth†, epitomizing the Restaurant complex. The new tables and chairs have an elegant marble look about them. Crisp Greek linen is used, with embossed The comprehensive Menu Card is elegantly designed with bold lettering; items and prices can be read easily. It lists dishes from across the country, like Moussaka (stuffed tomatoes, aubergines or paprika), maridaki (fish) and Britzoles (chops). A separate barrel-shaped card provides the equally comprehensive Wine List. Lighting is automatically controlled to maintain a fixed luminosity. The walls feature discreet Hellenic art. The non-slip floor is dark brown wood that pales inwards into cream-colored marble. The Centre-piece is a Harp which provides mellifluous live music, reminiscent of the Seas around Greece. sets. The well-stocked bar displays many types of the traditional Greek drink, Ouzo, with its strong aroma of aniseed. Though colorless, Ouzo turns milky white when ice or water is added.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

The Welfare State In the United States of America (Microeconomics) Term Paper

The Welfare State In the United States of America (Microeconomics) - Term Paper Example Funded and managed by the U.S. government, these programs aspire towards ensuring economic security, universal access to resource for self-development and the reduction of social suffering, such as poverty and illness (Barr 4). Modern liberalism is the guiding philosophy of the United States Welfare System (McGowan 7). The philosophy says that individual liberty depends on positive rights such as social security, unemployment benefits, health care, and public education. Historically, welfare in the United States can be traced to the British Poor Laws, which distinguish between those unable to work due to age or physical challenges and those who are medically fit to work but are unemployed (Welfare Information Monetary assistance was given to the former group while public service employment was provided for the later group by the government. Following the American Civil War, the United State Congress passed the Civil War Pension Program to provide aid to Civil War Ve terans and their families (Welfare Information The United States welfare system, as currently known, started under President Franklin D. Roosevelt as a result of the Great Depression. During the Great Depression, one in every four of the American labor force was unemployed and many families underwent great financial hardship. The Franklin D. Roosevelt government stepped in to solve the problem. ... ty Income, Housing and Urban Development programs, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, Head Start, Work Study, Medicare, and Social Security (Welfare Information The politics, benefits and issues related to these programs as well as a comparison of United States welfare programs with welfare programs in other countries will be discussed in the term paper. Welfare programs in the United States: issues and politics Assisting the needy while not encouraging them to seek employment forms the foundation of the politics of the United States welfare programs. By the 1990s, welfare reform dominated the political scene due to a number of reasons. In fact, Republicans campaigned for an â€Å"end to welfare as we know it†, a policy theme, the President Clinton administration embraced (Politics and Social Welfare The reasons for these reforms were cogent and apparent. First, was the fact that most women can continue to work after childbirth and th ere was no reason for welfare mothers, who stay at home to claim welfare package. Another reason was the observation that some Americans were having more children in order to receive more aid. Furthermore, there was an alarming increase in unmarried mothers, for which welfare package was the incentive. Last, was the increasing number of voluntary unemployment among the labor class. Thus there was increasing dissatisfaction with welfare as epitomized by Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) among many Americans, and welfare reform forms a hot topic in the 1990s. In 1996, the United States Congress passed the Welfare Reform Act that gave the control of welfare system to states. Abolishing the AFDC, the Welfare Reform Act of 1996 support a system of block grants to states, constraining the

Summary of 3 Men in a Boat Essay Example for Free

Summary of 3 Men in a Boat Essay Three Men in a Boat is a deceptively simple story: three friends take a boating holiday on the River Thames. At first sight this does not seem a likely plot for a classic work of comedy, and the fact that it was written in the late Victorian period and was an instant bestseller seems even harder to believe. Nowadays a sense of humour does not immediately spring to mind as a defining characteristic of the Victorians, particular as Queen Victoria herself is famous for the remark, ‘We are not amused!’ Jerome K. Jerome later wrote, ‘I did not intend to write a funny book, at first. I did not know I was a humorist. I never have been sure about it. In the middle ages, I should probably have gone about preaching and got myself burnt or hanged.’ Although the book was a huge success with the reading public, Jerome was lucky that it was not killed off by the reviews. ‘Of course it was damned by the critics,’ Jerome observed. ‘One might have imagined – to read some of them – that the British Empire was in danger. One Church dignitary went about the country denouncing me. Punch was especially indignant, scenting an insidious attempt to introduce â€Å"new humour† into comic literature.’ The humour lies not in the plot, but in the detail. A relaxing holiday on the river, rowing and sailing upstream, seeing the sights, and camping in the boat during overnight stops – what could possibly go wrong? The answer, of course, is just about everything, and it is the antics of the three men with their differering attitudes and approaches to the various problems that make the book so funny. On the periphery, there is also the dog Montmorency, a thoroughly anarchic figure whose practical solution to their difficulties usually consists of getting out of the way until all the fuss dies down. Most of the humour comes from comic set pieces, such as the agony of putting up a tent in adverse weather conditions. In some cases, episodes that still raise a laugh (because they are based on peren nial problems like finding the correct train at a railway station) were actually topical jokes. Waterloo station was considered a confusing mess of platforms that it was almost impossible to find your way around, and the idea of bribing a train driver to take you wherever you want to go appeals as much to the modern railway user as it did to the Victorians. Indeed, the whole book was topical, because a river boating holiday had only become fashionable a decade before, and part of the book’s success was due to the fact that boating on the Thames was the latest craze at the time it was published. The book also broke new ground with its subject matter and with its protagonists. The most popular books of the day were generally adventures with dashing heroes, by authors such as H. Rider Haggard, Rudyard Kipling and Robert Louis Stevenson. A book about three ordinary men and their minor but hilarious adventures on the river was something totally new. Also new was the structure of the book, though whether by accident or design is unclear. The structure is completely unbalanced, since it takes the first quarter of the book to discuss and plan the trip and get them onto the river, while the return journey is wrapped up in just eleven pages. The trip on the river is really just a frame on which to hang the various anecdotes and digressions that contain much of the humour. At intervals, and often sitting uncomfortably within the string of anecdotes and incidents, Jerome provides straight descriptive passages in a guidebook style, noting the places they are passing and their history. Sometimes he overdoes things, with fantasies such as a long description of how King John signed the Magna Carta at Runnymede. He seems to be trying to convey the idle thoughts and flights of fancy inspired by locations of such historical importance, but this does not always work. In general, his shorter descriptions succeed far better in creating the illusion of a real trip on the river. Jerome was very well acquainted with the river, having made many trips on it with friends and even spending his honeymoon there with his new bride, immediately before writing the book. He certainly drew on previous experiences, and the three men he writes about had real counterparts – Jerome himself was the narrator ‘J.’, ‘George’ was based on a George Wingrave, and ‘Harris’ on Carl Hentschel. Only the dog, Montmorency, was entirely imaginary. Perhaps the key to the success of Three Men in a Boat lies in its combination of simplicity and set-piece humorous incidents, most of which have a timeless, universal appeal. The book has been translated into many languages and repeatedly adapted for television. It is probably as popular today as when first published, because much of the language seems so fresh and modern. The book is narrated in the first person by the author, who is refered to as J by his friends. It begins with J, and his friends harris and George, deciding to take a boat trip up the Thames from Kingston to oxford,and then back again (the book was written in 1888, when boating on the Thames was enormously popular). They are unanimous in agreeing that this is a good idea (except for Js dog, Montmorency, who doesnt care for boating). They have trouble getting packed, and in the morning Harris and J take a train to Kingston, where the boat is waiting for them. George is joining them later when he has finished his work at the bank. they row up passt Hampton Court, where Harris describes an incident when he got lost in Hampton Court maze with some friends (this is one of the funniest parts of the book). George joines the party, and they have trouble towing the boat, and later they have even more trouble trying to put the cover over the boat for the night. they all get fed up with each other, but cheer up when they have a good tea. There is a long passage about the signing of Magna Carta (there are several passages like this in the book, where the author gets serious for a bit). They have various other mishaps as they travel up the river, like the time when they are having tinned pineapple for tea, and cant find the tin-opener. They spend a lot of time trying to open it with no success. And there are stories of other trips they made up the river, like the time J was ou tin a aboat with his cousin, and they thought they were going crazy because they couldnt find Wallingford Lock (it turns out the lock had been demolished some years earlier). And ther ere is the time when they are in an inn which has a stuffed trout in a case on the wall, and several different people come in and claim to have been the one who caught it, but when George stands on a chair to look at it, he knocks it down and it breaks it turns out to be plaster of Paris! When they reach Oxford, and start to travel bac, it starts to rain, and they arent enjoying themselves somuch. So they abandon the boat and take the train back to London, where they go to a show and then have a good dinner in a restaurant. They make a toast Heres to three men well out of a boat!

Monday, October 14, 2019

Is It Possible to Control the Ebola Epidemic?

Is It Possible to Control the Ebola Epidemic? A terrible tragedy struck the western part of the African continent and our desire and believe is to put an end to this nightmare. Since the discovery of Ebolavirus in 1976 in Zaire, now DRC Democratic Republic of Congo, this virus is endemic in this country and has caused a trail of destruction. For years, it has afflicted our brothers mercilessly slaughtering entire families overnight, leaving a crowd of orphans along the way. Today West Africa, Guinea, Liberia, Sierra Leone and Nigeria, also live an epidemic of Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever (EHF), the 7th in the history of the Democratic Republic of Congo, with the potential to spread to neighboring countries. WHO World Health Organization has worked with professionals from various countries to gather experiences in epidemics, concentrating efforts that can contribute in a practical way to control cases of Ebola, which are already more than 1.400 deaths this year so far, with mortality rates of 60-90%. Summary of the clinical picture of Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever (EHF): The EHF is an infectious disease caused by Ebola virus, an RNA và ­rus with filamentous appearance under electronic microscopy, diameter of 80nm, incubation period that various between 1-3 weeks. The initial symptoms are very similar to a simple flu, with asthenia, anorexia, headache and myalgia, insidiously progressing to vomiting, diarrhea, bleeding, dehydration, shock and death. The severity and duration of disease progression depends directly on viral load Ebolavirus, nutritional status and consequently, the immune status of each patient. In 50% of cases occur a maculopapular rash more pronounced on trunk and abdà ´men, and by the end of the 1st week blood dyscrasias symptoms are observed, such as nausea and uncontrollable vomiting, difficult to control epistaxis, hematemesis, melena, hemoptysis, bleeding conjunctival, skin, mucous membranes, gums, ulcerations of lips. From this point occur rapid progression to disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) with cardio-circulatory collapse, dysfunction and multiple organ failure and death occurs. There is no specific medication for treatment of Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever (EHF), only supportive measures to control hypovolemia, fluid and electrolyte replacement, blood, plasma or platelet concentrate transfusion, vasoactive drugs. The most frequent and common is the clinical and epidemiological diagnosis, The safest laboratory diagnosis is the identification of Ebolavirus by viral isolation in culture to identify the serotype, or by polymerase chain reaction with reverse transcription (RT-PCR) for sequencing of viral RNA. Contagion occurs primarily by direct contact with fluids, secretions of the patient as urine, blood, semen, sweat, saliva, or fomites and personal belongins contaminated with Ebolavirus. IS THERE A CORRELATION BETWEEN Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever (EHF) and deaths from Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever? Undoubtedly, and we’ll explain some points needed to understand well this interrelationship. The work developed focusing on dengue fever, dengue hemorrhagic fever and epidemics, was the theme in 2006, of masters thesis Homeopathy in Public Health: Contribution to the Study of Epidemics, in Post-graduation in Health Sciences of the Medical School of Sà £o Josà © do Rio Preto, Sà £o Paulo SP, Brazil. In 2002 the World Health Organization WHO launches the document Strategy of the WHO about Traditional Medicine, which in Brazil resulted in the administrative rule MS/GM No. 971 of June 3, 2006, known as NPICP National Policy on Integrative and Complementary Practices, which regulates prescription and use of homeopathy in epidemics. From the guidelines of the Ministry of Health, received by us as an incentive and authorization to follow through with these actions, we expanded the fieldwork, once it had been initiated in the city of Sà £o Josà © do Rio Preto, since 2001, a project to control dengue at the population level with homeopathic medicine1. Due to the excellent results obtained in February and March / 2007 in Sà £o Josà © do Rio Preto2, Sà £o Paulo and Macaà ©3, Rio de Janeiro, with the homeopathic medicine we extended the use to thousands of individuals in various cities in different states of Brazil, such as Sà £o Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Minas Gerais, Espà ­rito Santo and Goià ¡s, and in Cuba, in Ciego de Avila, Camaguey and Havana. The results of the clinical and epidemiological studies, were ratified by the medicines approval by ANVISA (the brazilian regulatory body of drugs administration) in December 2008, officially released in the category dengue treatment under the fancy name PRODEN, recorded by a national laboratory, and one of the five finalists of the 1st Sanofi-Aventis Prize, Medical Services Innovation New Directions in Public Health, in June 2009. For this to happen, the product has undergone rigorous testing in rats, rabbits and mice, in the Drug Research Laboratory of the Federal University of Amapà ¡, whose experiments have shown average increase of 200.000 platelets/ml to 600.000 platelets/ml in male rats4. The daily clinical practice has shown rapid improvement of the general condition of patients with dengue, confirmed by the prompt rise in platelet count. BUILDING A PROTOCOL FOR CONTROL OF THE EBOLA HEMORRHAGIC FEVER (EHF) The Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever has several points in common with the Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever, as found in the 7th edition (2006) of Bogliolo’s5 text: in hemorrhagic fevers from Ebola and Marburg viruses, autopsy shows disseminated skin, mucosa and visceral bleeding, with extensive areas of renal and hepatic necrosis. Throughout the pathophysiology of both diseases, coagulation disorders have important, decisive for the rapid evolution to cardio-circulatory collapse, multiple organ failure, shock and death. Important to note that recent studies using electronic microscopy have shown that liver inflammation is the rule and not the exception, in cases of dengue, covering all four sorotypes6. THE FOUNDATIONS OF HOMEOPATHIC MEDICINE APPROVED  BY ANVISA FOR DENGUE’S TREATMENT The protocol and technical report of the Health Board of Sà £o Josà © do Rio Preto were implanted in all BHU (Basic Health Units) in the city in February 2007.2 Thousands of doses of the medicine were dispensed with great adherence of the population. In 20072, despite the magnitude of this epidemic, only one patient died, she was a health professional, due to suspected acetaminophen intoxication. The homeopathic complex is a combination of three homeopathic remedies, Phosphorus, Crotalus horridus and Eupatorium perfoliatum, these first two are because of the hemorrhagic events, the last one is limited to dengue itself, to constitute the epidemic genius peculiar to cases of classic dengue fever, without complications. The Eupatorium had its pathogenetic trials conducted in 1846 by the American Academy of Homeopathy, from a plant in the eastern United States of North America, which was used by native Indians to treat break-bone-fever . Hahnemann was the one to accomplish in 1823, the pathogenetic experimentation of Phosphorus, in Germany (Dresden and Leipzig). He is the prototype of the treatment of hepatitis, confirmed in studies with experimental animals subjected to poisoning by carbon tetrachloride in laboratà ³rio7. And finally Crotalus horridus, made from a north-american rattlesnake’s venom in 1837, made by Constantine Hering, is the primary reference and one of the most effective remedies for profuse, generalized and rapidly developed hemorrhages. FINALLY FINDING THE MEDICINE FOR THE CONTROL OF  THE EBOLA HEMORRHAGIC FEVER Given to the extensive knowledge already accumulated and analyzing the features found in the EHF epidemic, it is evident that these same remedies, Phosphorus and Crotalus horridus, already tested and used in cases of hepatic dysfunction and bleeding in dengue, should be added to the remedie that represents the epidemic genius of Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever (EHF), a brazilian plant named Ipecacuanha. Thus, the Anti-Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever Homeopathic Complex, is the result of the combination of three remedies: Phoshorus, Crotalus horridus and Ipecacuanha. The Ipecacuanha is in the 1st list of 24 polychrests remedies established by Hahnemann and part of the group of the 60 major remedies used in Homeopathy8. According to the Treaty of Homeopathic Materia Medica9, the remedie is of maximum indication for acute disorders with nausea, copious bleeding of bright red blood from any orifice of the body, tightness in chest, cold sweats, facial pallor and little tendency to clot the bleeding. Prof. Michel Guermonprez10 highlights the relationship of this plant’s alkaloids with reflex nausea and drooling that always accompanies its symptomatic procession, bloody diarrhea (intestinal bleeding), cough and bronchial hypersecretion with blood (hemoptysis), severe headache and rapid evolution to weakness, with marked and rapid loss of vital forces, dehydration and shock. In the secular homeopathy practice, we find the option of using remedies in combination, and to ensure its effectiveness, we must follow the classical criteria, respecting the agreement of the general condition of the pathophysiological actions triggered by the isolated remedies and verified in animal or human experiments, in order to prevent antagonism and neutralization of the active ingredients of these remedies together, and thus ensure that the potentiation of its effects appear, as understanding of renowned authors such as Licà ­nio Cardoso, Helena Minin and Anna Kossak-Romanach, among others11. The key to find the correct medicine is to get as close as possible to the simillimum of the epidemic, in other words, what is the closest to the profile or individuation of the symptom picture of the epidemic, in its most frequent form and repeated manifestation, present in the greatest number of sick people at that period of time. We call this coincidence Similarity or Similitude Law, and that is the backbone of Homeopathy. The choice of potency or dynamisation comes after the determination of the most suitable medicine to control the epidemic and in this specific case of the EHF by gravity, magnitude and severity of the symptoms, is to be used in 15DH, as employed in the experimental work with animals and approved by ANVISA as explained above. INDICATION AND DOSAGE OF ANTI-EHF HOMEOPATHIC COMPLEX It should be clear that homeopathy is a complementary medicine to all actions already developed and used drugs, including antibiotics for bacterial complications, to stabilize the clinical condition of patients victimized by Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever (EHF). The indicated homeopathic remedies are prepared in combination, also known as Homeopathic Complex in a 30% alcohol solution, and 20ml bottles: PHOSPHORUS 15 DH + CROTALUS HORRIDUS 15 DH + IPECACUANHA 15 DH 1) doses for treatment of previously diagnosed and more severe cases: Administer 5 drops orally every 20 minutes until clinical stabilization of the patient, accompanying hemodynamic and laboratory parameters such as hematocrit, leukocytes and platelets, etc; 2) In the most stable cases: Keep 5 drops every 2 hours until clinical improvement, according to criteria such as general health, hydration, blood pressure, urinary flow, absence of bleeding and laboratory controls, such as leukocyte count and platelet count, hematocrit, etc; 3) Employment as a prophylactic: 5 drops administered orally twice daily (morning and evening), during the period of epidemic risk. Target audience: all susceptible population located in areas of occurrence of EHF. Renan Marino is Professor of FAMERP – Medicine School of Sà £o Josà © do Rio Preto, Master in Health Sciences and President of IHFL Homeopathic Institute Franà §ois Lamasson Ribeirà £o Preto, Sà £o Paulo, Brazil. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1) MARINO R, Jamal EM, Esteves Neto SH, Constantine A, Braguini VR. Emprego Profilà ¡tico da Homeopatia em uma Epidemia de Dengue. Pesquisa Homeopatica/ Homeopatia Esplorado 2003, 18 (2): 2-6. Work also presented at the 59  ° Panamerican Congress of Homeopathy Havana / Cuba, in 2003, from the experience at Cristo Rei neighborhood in Sà £o Josà © do Rio Preto; 2) MARINO R. Homeopathy and Health: The Case of Dengue Epidemics. Int J High Dilution Res [online]. 2008; 7 (25): 179-185. Available from:; 3) NUNES LAS. Contribution of homeopathy to the control of an outbreak of dengue in Macaà ©, Rio de Janeiro. Int J High Dilution Res [online]. 2008; 7 (25): 186-192. Available from:; 4) VIRIATO, E., OLIVEIRA, B., CARVALHO, J. C. Avaliaà §Ãƒ £o da toxicidade sub-crà ´nica do Medicamento Proden ®. Brazilian Homeopathic Journal v. 11, n. 1, p. 23 24, 2009; 5) BOGLIOLO, Luigi; BRASILEIRO FILHO, Geraldo. Patologia. 6 ed. Rio de Janeiro: Ed. Guanabara Koogan, 2000; 6) MIGOWSKI, E. Uso de Antità ©rmicos em Doenà §as Infecciosas Virais. Abbott booklet of Brazil, 2002; 7) Encyclopà ©die Mà ©dico-Chirurgicale: Vol II Homeopathie Ed Tecniques, Paris, 1960-1968,. 8) KOSSAK-ROMANACH, A. A Homeopatia em 1000 Conceitos. Sà £o Paulo. Ed. Elcid; 1984; 9) VIJINOVSKY, B. Tratado de Materia Medica Homeopatica, volum II, Buenos Aires.Ed. Albatros, 1981; 10) GUERMONPREZ, M. et al. Materia Medicale Homeopathique, 2nd ed, Doin Editeurs, 1985, France.; 11) POZETTI, G L. Complexos e Complexismos. Ribeirà £o Preto / SP: IHFL, 1993;

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Dunciad: Mock epic and parallels to Rape of the Lock (another satire) E

The Dunciad: A Mock Epic? Honors English   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The fourth book of the Dunciad describes the fall and slow death of the English society that once taught him all the things he knew. He lashes out at his critics, accusers, and nay Sayers in his allegorical poem. It symbolizes a mock epic because of the elaborate use of words, calling on inspiration from a higher force, and using his work not so much to tell a story, but to point out the faults of a social order that can’t or chooses not to see what they’re really doing.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  It opens with: â€Å"Yet, yet a moment, one dim ray of light Indulge, dread Chaos, and eternal Night!† [Line 1, A.P.] â€Å"Suspend a while your force inertly strong, Then take at once the Poet, and the song.† [Line 7, A.P.] In tradition of the epic, Alexander calls for the aide of an outside power. He doesn’t follow the rules completely, and replaces the muse with Chaos and Night, but does this only to enforce what he’s trying to do with his point and gives you a picture of where he’s going next. In epics, there’s always a battle or a scene that is brazenly described, adding drama, making it a little more important and draws the reader in. When Alexander Pope describes the room as the educators stand before the Goddess, and the scene where Dullness triumphs over everything that breathes life into human creativity, he makes it a point to describe each scene as a play-by-play battle in itself. An advocate of the empr...

Friday, October 11, 2019

Cost Management & Cost Control Essay

In broad sense, both the terms have the same meaning. Yet cost management seems to connote broader perspective. Cost control to an un-initiated may mean cutting down the incurrence of cost or expenditure every time or in every situation. In reality it is not always so. In many specific situations, many times, one has to spend or incur cost in order to gain or make more money. It is in fact like an investment. Cost management sounds better then. Profits Making profits or running with surpluses is an essential objective of any organization whether a business organization, non-government non-profit making trust or government. Profit = Revenue (or Price X Units Sold) – Overall Costs (or All Expenses) One can make more profit by: * Increasing the price * Selling more units * Reducing costs In globally competitive environment, increasing the price is not always feasible, Therefore, one has to resort to increasing the sales volumes or decreasing the costs. Overall Cost Reduction: Better Strategy If you do some quick calculations, you may find that: * Increasing the sales volumes by say, 5% will increase the profit by only by that much percentage i.e. 5% increase in profit. * On the other hand reducing the overall cost by 5% may increase the profit in the range from 20% to 45%. Cost Build-up There are two ways of looking at as to how products or services start costing. Conventional Way Cost = Direct Labor Cost + Direct Material Cost + Overhead Cost Activity Based Costing (ABC) Way * Various activities are performed. * Activities attract resources like man, machine, material, money, time and information. * These resources mean money or cost. * Number of activities multiplied by costs attached to the resources consumed by the activities = Overall Cost Cost Reduction Methods Conventional * Reduce direct labor expenses * Reduce direct material expenses * Reduce overhead expenses Non-conventional * Reduce or eliminate (non-value adding) activities * Reduce the consumption of the resources by these activities and even by value adding activities. Cost Management/Control by Controlling Non-Value Adding Activities * Product or services go through processes. * Processes consist of activities. * Activities are: value adding and non-value adding. * Therefore, reduce and finally, eliminate non-value adding activities. * One may think of spending money on value-adding activities if the returns because of putting that extra money (investment) exceed the invested amount. Cost Management/Control by Controlling Seven Notorious Wastes 1. Waste of overproduction 2. Waste of waiting 3. Waste of transportation 4. Waste of processing itself 5. Waste of stocks 6. Waste of motion 7. Waste of making defective products/services

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Frankenstein/ Blade Runner Essay

Textual form is an issue which divide many critiques and audiences. Some view texts as a form being superior and more expressive, whereas others may view film as to be losing its credibility of expression. Never the less it is adamant that through a comparative study of two differing forms exploring similar ideas it becomes clear that one form isn’t always superior over another. Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein (1818) and Ridley Scott’s Blade Runner (1982) mirror this thesis. Whilst being composed more than a century apart, each explore similar ideas but approach them from different perspectives. Shelley’s epistolary novel reflects a period of Romanticism and Enlightenment through its glorification of nature, as well as its cautionary like tale of social responsibility and exploration of creator verse created. Scott’s science fiction film Blade Runner conveys the many fears surfacing from the United States in the 1980 by warning of the possible dangers associated with environmental deterioration, scientific advancements and genetic engineering. Scott scrutinizes such concepts as a world without true nature, and, like Frankenstein, the consequences of a lack of social responsibility. Shelley masterfully uses literary techniques to create her timeless classic. Similarly Scott achieves a similar prestige through his use of filmic techniques. Nature is a powerful idea explored in Frankenstein. The idea of sublime nature was embraced during Romantic period of the late 18th Century. It allowed an unrestrained emotional experience for the individual. In ‘Frankenstein’, descriptions of nature seem to appear repeatedly during emotional or significant moments in Victor’s life. Nature allows an outlet for Victor, it acts as his savoir. This connection is expressed where Victor travels back to Geneva to see his family. Here he witnesses the might of nature and its power. Such examples of this include the pathetic fallacy of ‘lightning playing on the summit of Mont Blanc’ with lightning being a recurring motif in the novel expressing how nature, whilst having to power of destruction, also has the power to illuminate and make clear. Nature also acts as a savoir to Victor in a time of sickness ‘bestowing’ on him the ‘most delightful sensation’ therefore conveying once more his connection and dependence with nature. Just as ‘Frankenstein’ glorifies nature, Blade Runner explores a world where nature has become virtually obsolete. This mirrors the public’s thoughts in the 80’s of a continued deterioration and the consequences of our overuse of nature. The opening scene of Blade Runner uses filmic techniques such as chiaroscuro to reflect the lack of nature present with the entire landscape being industrialised. The pollution of the city drowns out the suns’ light, meaning all present lighting is artificial, reflecting a world with no natural warmth or clarity. The close up fade of the eye expresses a fire burning within, a possible allusion to Hates and the underworld. The non-diegetic music played is synthetic sounding, providing an eerie setting, further enforcing a lack of nature. A lack of social responsibility is evident in Victor concerning the Creature setting up a creator verse created situation in Frankenstein. The monster reflects context of Tabula Rasa, he is a blank slate; completely innocent until experience creates perception. ‘Cursed, cursed Creator! Why did I live †¦ I know not: despair had not yet taken possession of me’. Shelley here uses rhetorical questions and emotive language to express the feeling of the Creature. The Creature believes that the blame for his suffering and pain lies with Victor’s cruelty and neglect of his creation rather than pain and anger being something innate in him. Victor through his lack of responsibility for this creation created an outcast of the monster leading to its pain. Shelley shows this in the biblical allusion ‘I ought to be thy Adam †¦I was benevolent and good: misery made me a friend’, once again strengthening the readers opinion that the creature’s suffering could have been avoided if Victor had shown sympathy towards him. Just as the monster confronts Victor in Frankenstein, Roy also confronts his creator Tyrell, in Blade Runner. Roy, being a result of genetic engineering, plays out the mindset of the public in the 1980s that eventually the birth of our advancing science may one day turn on us. The scene features shots filled with religious iconography with Tyrell draped in luxury with lit candles providing the only light in the room. The chess game which Tyrell and Sebastian are engaged in is a metaphor for the capturing of the king with the king being Tyrell and Roy achieving â€Å"checkmate†. The two shot of Roy and Tyrell during their confrontation is one of the few in the film and displays Roy as a dominant figure indicating a power shift in their relationship. Tyrell clearly acknowledges this shift when he backs away from Roy in fear. Roy is moved by this meeting as to him Tyrell is God, his creator, which is conveyed in the quote â€Å"it’s not easy to meet your maker†, a biblical allusion expressing the enormity of the meeting from Roy’s perspective. It is now clear, through the comparative study of ‘Frankenstein’ and ‘Blade Runner’ that a comparative study of two textual forms only enhances our interest in discovering the parallels present between them. ‘Blade Runner’, being a film, has clearly shown to be able to explore similar ideas as ‘Frankenstein’, a novel. Each thoroughly explores nature and its influence on the public of their time as well as the lack of social responsibility each creator had towards his created, and the consequences of those actions. Thus it is evident that difference in textual form does not weaken the depth in which similar parallels can be explored.

Impacts of Energy Consumption

The Impacts of Energy Consumption Coming home from a long day at school, I tell myself, â€Å"Damn, I’m tired! † On top of that, it’s blazing hot outside, so I set my thermostat to the lowest possible temperature so that my apartment can cool down quickly. After I adjust the temperature, I go to the bathroom and then leave the lights on from laziness. Finally, I turn on the television to watch something until I fall fast asleep. The end of the month comes along and I walk to my mailbox to check for any bills and next thing you know I have a staggering bill from Georgia Power!It’s nothing that I should be surprised about because I have ridiculous habits when it comes to leaving things on and setting my thermostat. I’m pretty sure I’m not the only person with an energy-consuming problem. I know that millions of people do the same things I do. Reducing my energy consumption is a challenge that I want to take on to better myself and the environme nt, which is a change for the good that i have great interest in. I looked at my energy bill for the past month and I did some calculations money wise. When looked over some energy facts on the Energy Star site, it made me realize something.According to Energy Star, the government agency that helps us all save money on energy and protect the environment at the same time, the air conditioning unit consists of approximately 50% of your monthly electric bill (â€Å"Save Energy at Home†). Last month, my bill came up to $70. 71, which is high for me because I don’t really run anything in my apartment but T. V, lights, internet, and my laptop. I barely use my stove or microwave because I’m one of those college students who eats out all the time because I can’t cook. Half of $70 is $35.On top of that, the unit can possibly use more than fifty percent if you don’t maintain it properly. Sealing and insulating ducts can improve the efficiency of your heating and cooling system by as much as 20 percent – and sometimes much more (â€Å"Save Energy at Home†). That being said, it would use less energy and cost less. Energy Star also says that leaving things plugged in even when they are not using it, can consume energy. It does indeed show a difference if you practice leaving things that you don’t use unplugged (â€Å"Save Energy at Home†).It saved me around 50 kWh which doesn’t seem like much but it’s something. Next, since an HVAC unit can possibly take over your energy costs, we should all know how to reduce our consumption when it comes to the HVAC unit itself. Installing a programmable thermostat can help your HVAC system become more energy efficient (â€Å"Energy Saving Tips†). I was reading a article from the ConsumerMan section of MSNBC and came across an article stating that installing a programmable thermostat can cut your energy costs by 20% (Weisbaum).These systems that we cheris h so much can also be sources of emission into the environment we inhabit. It is said that HVAC systems can be contaminant emission sources (Batterman). Have you ever left some food laying around and come to realize that it starting growing mold? The EPA conducted a few studies that shown that the HVAC systems are the causes of biological growth, and moisture of which molds use to multiply and grow (Batterman). Therefore, it would probably be a good idea to use programmable thermostats to lower costs and emissions into the indoor environment.These thermostats can minimize the emissions when we are not at home or sleep. Aside from the costs of using the infamous HVAC units that we all cherish so much, the environmental changes is something that goes on unnoticed to people including myself. I think that it’s something that we should consider because of a number of reasons. Energy generation impacts our environment in a way that we don’t see. Most of the energy that we us e is produced by power plants that use non-renewable resources such as natural gas, oil, and coil, all of which are considered as fossil fuels. â€Å"Fossil Fuels†) Fossil Fuels account for 83% of the Unites States energy consumption (â€Å"Fossil Fuels†). All of these fuels can release harmful things like carbon dioxide, which is a dangerous greenhouse gas (â€Å"Fossil Fuels†). Carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases are released into the atmosphere by agricultural practices and by the burning of fossil fuels (Michaels 5). According to many people and scientists, they believe that this is what may be causing global warming. Another energy generating method is Nuclear power plants. This, in my opinion, is the most harmful way to produce energy.When nuclear plants are producing energy, they are rapidly changing the temperature, which also increases evaporation. This then increases rainfall, which can affect agriculture with a lack of good soil (â€Å"Fossil F uels†). The environmental concern of nuclear energy production comes from the disposal of nuclear waste. Spillage and leakage of nuclear radiation into the environment can cause people to develop cancer if they inhale these gases (â€Å"Fossil Fuels†). That being said, I feel as if when I use too much energy at home and in other places, I cause the releases of these harmful gases my elf. Environmental Impact of Power Generation explains that 39% percent of the energy generated today is used to make more energy (Hester 15). So this book argues that consumption is, in fact, an important factor of a consumer’s environmental footprint. All forms of electric generation can have some type of environmental impact in the world (Hester 17). For example, hydroelectric power plants may not have any impact on the air, but to construct these dams can significantly affect our natural river systems as well as the wildlife that inhabits these rivers (Wittwers 25). What about coa l?When coal is used to generate power, things like carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, and nitrogen oxides are released into the atmosphere (Rowland 35). The Environmental Protection Agency requires that the burners of these particular plants have control devices aimed at reducing the amount of emissions that are released. I looked up carbon dioxide in the dictionary just to have an idea of why exactly is it related to global warming. It is said that it is a greenhouse gas that affects the earth’s radiated balance, which also means that it is directly related to global warming. Another way to think about the greenhouse effect is to consider that according to physics the radiation we receive from the Sun must be equally balanced by the heat Earth radiates out to space. If we were to give back less energy than we receive, our planet would soon be too hot for life. † (â€Å"The Greenhouse Effect†) According to the research that I conducted, it is like a chain reaction. We use too much energy at home, the power plants produce more energy for our high demands, and next thing you know we humans are causing global warming.For the past couple of months, I have been getting significantly high electricity bills and I wanted to know exactly what it is that i have been doing to get such high bills when the only things i constantly run in my two bedroom apartment is: one television, a wireless router, a MacBook, and of-course, my HVAC unit. I learned that the problems are exactly what I just said, â€Å"I constantly run. † Not only that, according to online source, your HVAC unit consumes the most electricity in any household that contains one. I decided to do a project to see what I can do to help lower my energy costs as well as have a lesser impact on the environment.I looked over my Georgia Power bill and I apparently consumed 532 kWh costing me $70. 71, and 640 kWh the month before costing me a whopping $82. 69. That’s a lot for one perso n with only a TV and a computer running. So my goal was to lower those numbers as much as i can by the next billing cycle. Throughout all the research that was conducted, I decided to do exactly what my sources suggested. I set my thermostat to 77 degrees and left it there. I unplugged all of my electrical devices that were not in use and only plugged them in when I was ready to use them.The next billing cycle was up and I got my bill. For the cycle of March- April, I consumed a nice minimum of 364 kWh costing me only a small $52. 55 for that billing cycle. I was excited because my research project had turned out to be a success. Since the last bill, I saved 168 kWh. That was almost gave me $20 dollars in savings. In conclusion, I honestly feel guilty. Before all of this, I left my light on when I wasn’t using them, left my television on when I wasn’t watching it, and I even leave my office active when I wasn’t in my office.When I say active, I mean my printer s tays on at all times as well my desktop and monitor. I just never turn off my computer. It almost seems as if I’m harming the environment with my bad habits especially because I have a habit of leaving on my air conditioning because I either like my apartment freezing cold or blazing hot, depending on the weather and how I feel. The sources that I have introduced have plenty of reasons why people should strive to reduce our energy consumption so we can less impact the environment, ozone layer, and our utility bills.For one, I now feel better about knowing that I’m are contributing to a change that is bettering the environment and I’m even happier with myself knowing that I cut my electric costs by a percentage. Nowadays, I plug out everything electrical when I go to class and I now normally cut off my HVAC unit a majority of the day to reduce the humidity in my apartment, which contributes to mold and mildew. Works Cited Batterman, Stuart. HVAC Systems as Emissi on Sources. Washington: U. S Environmental Protection Agency, 1995. Print. â€Å"Energy Saving Tips. Efficiency Smart. Energy Star. Web. 20 Apr. 2012. . â€Å"Environmental Impact of Nuclear Power. † Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 04 Jan. 2012. Web. 02 Apr. 2012. . â€Å"Fossil Fuels. † Institute for Energy Research. Web. 20 Apr. 2012. . Rowland, R. H. , K. E. Gould, and E. McDonald. Environmental Impacts of Dispersed and Concentrated Siting of Coal-fired Power Plants. Palo Alto, CA: Electric Power Research Institute, 1984. 35. Print. â€Å"The Greenhouse Effect. † Earthguide: Educational Resources in Earth, Marine, Environmental and Planetary Sciences.University of California. Web. 20 Apr. 2012. . Michaels, Patrick J. , and Robert C. Balling. The Satanic Gases: Clearing the Air about Global Warming. Washington, D. C. : Cato Institute, 2000. Print. â€Å"Save Energy at Home. † Saving Energy At Home. Energy Star, 03 Jan. 2012. Web. 02 Apr. 2012. . Weisb aum, Herb. â€Å"Will Programmable Thermostat save Me Money? † Msnbc. com. Msnbc Digital Network, 26 Sept. 2007. Web. 20 Apr. 2012. . Wittwer, S. H. Food, Climate, and Carbon Dioxide: The Global Environment and World Food Production. Boca Raton: Lewis, 1995. 25-26. Print.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

To what extent does wealth equate with happiness Essay

To what extent does wealth equate with happiness - Essay Example This was considered after recognizing that personal happiness has not increased in the Western countries regardless of the growth experienced in economic wealth (Penec, 2008:18). Brandon Keim noticed the same trend in China, where the Chinese have not achieved any life satisfaction from the two decades of speedy economic growth. The wealthy people are a bit happier than before, the middle class have not had any changes while life satisfaction for the poor has decreased sharply. This indicates flaws in the conventional system used to examine life satisfaction and happiness. Keim refers to a research conducted by Easterlin, an economist, who discovered that money only created happiness to a certain degree after which, people returned to the usual. Easterlin concluded that money could not buy happiness because after some crucial needs are met, life satisfaction begins to decline with increasing income. Of course, many theorists disapproved this theory (Keim, 2012). Domestic product incr eased by four times but surveys conducted in China showed a decrease in personal satisfaction. Could Easternlin’s theory or paradox be right after all? The wealth in China seems to be concentrated among the few wealthiest people, therefore, the surveys could have indicated just how much the Chinese people resent inequality. However, Penec’s article shows that money increases individual happiness but when the entire society becomes wealthy, people do not feel prosperous. People feel happy after they achieve a certain financial status but they get used to it and take it for granted. Other factors also play a role in an individual’s happiness, for example, type of job, stress levels, and environment factors (Penec, 2008:18). An article on The Economist, a weekly newspaper, analysed the situation in China indicating gain that the Chinese masses are not happy with their situation. In ancient China, Chinese leaders ruled by ensuring that their subjects were happy. Thi s is not the case with the country experiencing over five hundred protests every day. This shows that the people are not happy despite the immense economic success that China enjoys today. The main problem is the gap created between the wealthy and the poor, which has resulted to inequality among Chinese citizens where the poor are in a struggling situation while the wealthy decide on the country’s economy. The article tries to show that the people’s happiness does not depend entirely on a rapid economic growth but relies on proper distribution of a country’s expanding wealth (The Economist, 2012). Tim Weber, an editor, claims that there is a research that shows that money makes people happier. The only problem is that economists are finding it hard to describe happiness, therefore, making it hard to measure it. Weber notes that a high gross domestic product translates to a lower chid morality, better education, and better quality of life. These are some of the factors that economists measure when they explain happiness. Weber writes that though an individual can earn more money than everyone else, some factors such as education, literacy, life’s longevity, and health, can only reach to a certain level, therefore, an economist’s happiness cannot exceed a certain level. Weber also indicates that happiness is subjective meaning that people have

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

American Nurses Association Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

American Nurses Association - Essay Example Potential conflicts might arise from intra-professional integrity, collective responsibility, assertion of values, responsibilities to the public, implementing professional standards in clinical, administrative and educational practice, responsibility for care environment, influencing the environment with moral virtues and values, preserving integrity and ethical character, maintaining confidentiality, responsibility and accountability in judgment and action etc. There could be many areas of conflict when others employees, care givers and family members are involved. Conflicts could be avoided by understanding, collaboration and co-operation with other care-givers, by being flexible without compromising the nursing ethics and with a thoroughly psychological insight of the problems. A complete understanding of duties and responsibilities and genuinely caring for patients will win the battle any day without giving scope for conflict and aggression. In this document, there is no reference how the rights are secured; but there is a promise that they are secured in every hospital. Patient's rights are protected and secured by State and Federal laws and hospitals who are obliged to protect the privacy of medical information and records. The governments and the hospitals are responsible for protecting all rights of every patient under all the circumstances. Health for life with safety, dignity and privacy and affordable care are the major rights of the patient. Availability of the best information, highest quality care with efficiency focusing on wellness, trained care providers, Clean and safe environment, help with bills and filling insurance claims, latest technology, cutting-edge medical research, well-equipped facilities, freedom of choice without bias and health provision at right time are the rights of all patients. Preparing the patient and the family with proper information and medical necessities too are the rights of the patients. Patient is provided legal help if he or his family members feel that the patient was not cared for. It can result in suspension of care givers and the hospital could be liable to claims. Patients and their families can claim compensation and if the allegations are proved beyond suspicion of willful neglect, care givers could face imprisonment. Patient rights are connected with the caregiver duties. They are supposed to be in touch with the most recent technology and research of continued progress, and it is their duty that patient is given all possible information, medication, and it is patient's right to make his choice. Duties and rights are connected with one another and they form the basic of patient and professional care relationship. Q. 3: Resource allocation is done by the panel of experts and administration after assessing the medical expenses involved. No one person is given the right of making all the decisions. Usually all the caring professions are involved before the allocation is made. Advisory committees are involved with the decision making on resource allocation and it is not an

Monday, October 7, 2019

Marketing & Entrepreneuriship Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words - 1

Marketing & Entrepreneuriship - Essay Example In order to critically evaluate the factors which determine entrepreneurial success, it is imperative to begin by explaining the meaning of entrepreneurship in order to gain a clear understanding of the whole concept. Entrepreneurship is loosely defined as the emergence and growth of new businesses. Timmons believes that entrepreneurship is the process of creating or seizing an opportunity and pursuing it regardless of the resources currently controlled. Small to medium businesses are the dominant forms of business developed by entrepreneurs in the economy and is going to be discussed below, the success of this kind of business can be attributed to many factors. For instance, venturing into a mobile business which offers fast foods is a good example of entrepreneurship given that an entrepreneur can capitalize on the opportunity of satisfying the needs of the customers who do not wish to visit restaurants. However, it is not an easy feat to successfully operate in this venture withou t taking into consideration some of the following factors. Creativity and innovation are the major factors that can lead to the success of small business. Creativity can involve the adjustment or refinement of existing procedures or products, the identification of opportunities and the identification of solutions to problems. Basically, creativity involves new ideas and every person who establishes an enterprise, adds value and strives to ensure that the enterprise continues to exist and this person is involved in economic creation.

Sunday, October 6, 2019

PHOTOGRAPHIC EXHIBITION - A Contemporary Strategy of Display (Fine Case Study

PHOTOGRAPHIC EXHIBITION - A Contemporary Strategy of Display (Fine Art) - Case Study Example In the main, it involves both modern and postmodern art. Contemporary art always changes with time and maybe considered as the art of the span of a lifetime. In London, contemporary art originated in 1990. Through this, people could audition and purchase artwork from the museum (Wallace and Hirish). Media articles chose to refer to artwork from 2000 and on words as contemporary. Galleries on the hand are always reluctant to separate contemporary from non-contemporary in their work. In earlier times, sculptures, paintings, poetry, and architecture were forms of fine art. Currently, fine art also includes conceptual art, print making, film and photography. This study will analyse contemporary strategy of display and will base only on the photographic exhibitions in the white club gallery in London. Fine art photography refers to photographs created by artists to satisfy their creativity and their visions. Authors has described the white cube in terms of contemporary art opposed to design. The space of the white cubes blends with history of modernism. O’Doherty in his article about inside the white cube says, â€Å"We have now reached a point where we see not the art but the space first.† The white cube gallery has white walls, polished wooden floors, and asmooth grey carpet. Paintings are arranged in rows and bid pieces are on the walls. Sculptures are centrally located. The works of art are lit by spotlights and even fake pieces will be mistaken to be real at a first glance (Serandour, Saint-Loubert and O†Doherty, 2009). One the most common photographic images is the one by Darren almond. it captures the beauty of nature in some of the world’s most remote and deserted places. The artist ignores human presence and choses to symbolise the landscape with an aim of giving it more time to express itself. Each image is given its own space unlike traditional photographic images where more than one photograph was on the same

Saturday, October 5, 2019

MICS - option 1 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

MICS - option 1 - Assignment Example Earlier on, firms used to outsource IT functions on a limited basis. Currently, most companies outsource their IT functions for the entire department. This has been used in delivering the IT functionality. Whilst there exist a considerable body of knowledge regarding IT outsourcing, the research on reasons why businesses outsource their IT functions is still limited. Therefore, this paper source to determine the reasons why organizations outsource the IT functions (Peslak 2012, p. 14). The process of outsourcing is underpinned by basic premise of whether an organization must pay or make the service. The decision to purchase a service enlists two fundamental objectives of outsourcing. These include, first, transfer of ownership of a business process to a third party, and second, to enable concentration of major competences by vendee. Based on the transfer of ownership, outsourcing significantly affects organizations productivity, cash flow, profitability, transaction costs and growth. There has been a rising outsourcing incidences worldwide to improve the strategy of the organization in lightening the workloads, saving time and trimming the costs. Studies indicate that outsourcing can turn a business with high fixed cost to one with only variable costs. This is critical for businesses with activities involving extensive variance throughout the year or the one experiencing pressures to reduce the overhead costs. The core business competencies help in maintaining a c ompetitive edge as well as increasing customer benefits and growth of business. The major functions of a business evolve through information sharing and collective learning. Such competences may not be enhanced by using huge investments; rather, they must focus on strategies and resources targeting the dominating corporate decisions (Peslak 2012, p. 15). The exact determination of core competencies contests the