Saturday, December 28, 2019

Limitations Of A Semi Structured Interview - 1444 Words

Section 1: Methodological Considerations Question 1 One advantage of a semi structured interview is that in the case of participants who tend to answer questions briefly, the interviewer can ask more open ended questions and cater the structure of the interview for the participant. The interviewer has a choice of which order to ask the questions in and how to ask them. For instance, in the transcript for the interview, the interviewer is being provided with one sentence yes/no replies in the beginning. Then, a few questions later, the interviewer asks a more detailed question that asks the participant how they manage their diabetes and who helps them. This prompts a more detailed response from the participant, who has now been asked to speak more freely about their experience with diabetes. Furthermore, for semi-structured interviews, the interviewers can follow what the participants are saying and modify their questions accordingly. The interviewer can be prompted by something the participant has said, and explore that prompt further in their proceeding questions. For example, when the respondent states that they do their own finger prick blood test, the interviewer then explores that deeper by asking follow up questions such as what equipment the participant uses and the difference in their own materials versus the hospital’s. Furthermore, in a semi-structured interview, the participant might bring up interesting points the interviewer had not come across in theirShow MoreRelatedThe Role Of Interview Data Research And Discuss The Key Characteristics Of The Processes Of Data Collection And Analysis When Using1669 Words   |  7 PagesCritically evaluate the role of interview data in qualitative research and discuss the key characteristics of the processes of data collection and analysis when using interviews as main data source. 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Friday, December 20, 2019

Media Violence and Children Essay - 1514 Words

Media Violence and Children Violence in the media has come under a lot of scrutiny lately. Even though this is not a new concern, it has resurfaced as the pinnacle of many debates among politicians, parents and educators. Children are progressively becoming more aggressive. This is in direct correlation to violence becoming more prominent among adults. Parents and educators continue to stress that the damage violent media inflicts on children will continue into adulthood. Multiple studies have demonstrated that violent media makes violent adults. This problem is larger than just turning off the violence. The media distributors need to stop mass producing and distributing violence to children. Until executives at television,†¦show more content†¦When parents are not involved and the media is raising children, it is natural for the child to emulate the media personalities (Steyer, 2002). One of the largest problems with children emulating media figures is that there neve r seems to be ramifications for the actions (Grapes, 2000). Children do not see that the bullet really hurts; instead, they see the bullet hit a personality who does not appear to be in pain (Grapes, 2000). Children in general tend to be more emotionally upset by media violence than adults (Steyer, 2002). If a child views something that is overly traumatic, the child may feel a paralytic sense of fear (Steyer, 2002). This is due to children being unable to distinguish what is real and what is fantasy (Steyer, 2002). This is the same principle that the child is scared of a monster in the closet, the child knows that the monster isnt there but they still have the immature reasoning ability to differentiate that the monster is fantasy and the closet is reality (Anderson, Dill 2002). With all this knowledge, what is being seen is an increased number of children who have been exposed to violent media becoming more aggressive or violent in young adulthood (Huesmann, Moise-Titus, Podoisk i, 2003). As children become more violent, the risk for unintentional injuries increases (Gilk, D., Kinsler, J., Todd, W., Clarke, L., Fazio, K., Miyashiro, R., et al.). These trends cross all socio-economic boarders andShow MoreRelatedThe Effects Of Media Violence On Children873 Words   |  4 Pages According to the Media Education Foundation, once a child reaches eighteen years of age, they have witnessed around 200,000 acts of violence and 16,000 murders ( Our society loves entertainment and a grand portion of this entertainment contains violence. Children constantly consume violent visuals, due to their prevalence. Majority of our society is uninterested in the effects of media violence since its effects do not show immediately. Misinformation is our greatest enemy in theRead MoreThe Effects Of Media Violence On Children884 Words   |  4 Pagesis all this necessary to fabricate in the media? What are characters in movies teaching kids? What about the langu age in music talking about killing people and talking about violence like it’s the cool thing? What about new channels always talking about guns, bombs and threats to the public, is this what is influencing are children because they view it as a norm? Some may agree with this as others may disagree. Media violence is not the factor in violence today. Studies show that over 90% of homesRead MoreThe Effects Of Media Violence On Children974 Words   |  4 Pagesmany kinds of media, like Internet, video game, television and film. It is generally believed that some of the bad information such as violent content in the media can have a negative effect on people, and it can end up causing some social problem. It is clear that children are more likely to be influenced by media violence than other age groups because of their world outlook and personality are not formed. Furthermore is if media violence does have some profound influence on children, this will leadRead MoreThe Effects Of Media Violence On Children1357 Words   |  6 Pagesthe graphic cruelty and violence. According to American Psychological Association, the harmful influence of media violence on children dates back to the 1950s and 1960s, and remains strong today. A child that watches violence or hears about violence can be influenced to become violent. Indeed, in reviewing the totality of empirical evidence regarding the impact of media violence, the conclusion that exposure to violent portrayals poses a risk of harmful effects on children has been reached by theRead More Children, Media, and Violence Essay1431 Words   |  6 PagesTo argue against it, the link between media violence and teen violence is like arguing against gravity, said Jeffrey McIntyre, legislative and federal affairs officer for the American Psychological Association. As children are exposed to acts of violence in the media through television, video games, music, movies, etc. alarming results are occurring. The main negative effect being an increase in aggression among youth who are regularly exposed to the media and an increase in violent patterns asRead MoreThe Effects Of Media Violence On Children1270 Words   |  6 Pagesdifferent forms of violence. Some people feel that there is too much violence exposed in the medi a. Many studies have made the claim that the media is responsible for much of the violence seen in the world we live in (List and Wolfgang). However, people have choices and responsibilities we cannot allow ourselves to blame it on other things such as the media. The violence seen in our media has an impact on both adults and children. Since children are also exposed to various forms of media, there has beenRead MoreMedia Violence and Its Influence on Children546 Words   |  2 Pages Some of the violence found in teens and children increase each year because of all the violence parents let their children watch. Letting children play or see to much violent things can harm them later. Violence today is not just cause by media, theres a lot of other reason violence is increasing this days, but media is one of the top reasons.Violence from media is more found in children and teens. Violence found in children and teens could be increasing because of the influenceRead MoreThe Effects Of Media Violence On Children1943 Words   |  8 PagesFor many years now, the media has been a big part of our lives. Almost everybody in the world is or has connected to it one way or another. It is a way for families and friends to have fun together, for interesting topics that people are interested in, or to just enjoy alone. However, there is a problem that can be seen across all types of media: violence. Violence can be seen as a distraught way to get over problems. Th ere is judgement issues involved for violence. It is done by bullies in schoolRead MoreThe Effects Of Media Violence On Children2411 Words   |  10 PagesMedia Violence is definitely harmful to children as the exposure of media violence can desensitize children (age 6-12) to violence and in the real world; violence becomes enjoyable and does not result in apprehensiveness in the child. There have been several studies and experiments regarding the adverse effects of violence used in video games, television, as well as movies. With both preschool and school-aged children, studies have found that they are more likely to imitate the violence they seeRead MoreThe Experience of Media Violence for Children531 Words   |  2 PagesMedia Violence By the time a child reaches the age of one, they see about 200,000 acts of violence on television. (Nakaya, 3). The Media has been becoming more and more violent over the years. A poll in an issue of Times Magazine, from 2005, showed that 66 percent of Americans think that there is an abundant amount of graphic acts of violence on televisions (Nakaya, 18). People are exposed to thousands of acts of violence through video games, television, and movies. Many studies show that media

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Eye Motif in Night by Elie Wiesel free essay sample

The Soul’s Mirror Eyes have guided mankind throughout all history, whether they allowed us to foresee danger or helped us find our loved ones. They have granted us sight over what would otherwise be invisible to us. When looking at someone, one can tell how they are feeling by staring into his or her eyes. Our eyes never lie. Our eyes will often mirror our souls and display our true inner emotions. In Elie Wiesel’s autobiographical narrative, Night, he uses the eye motif to portray characters’ true souls. In some parts of the narrative, Night, Wiesel used eyes to display the hope and positive emotion in characters. In the beginning of the story, eyes were used as an indication of Moche the Beadle’s calmness in the following quote. â€Å"I loved his great, dreaming eyes, their gaze lost in the distance† (Wiesel 13). The beadle, like his eyes, is peaceful as if he were in a dream. He has no worries and his gaze flows into the distance. Later in the story, after Moche escapes Hungarian police, his joy and peacefulness had disappeared. â€Å"Moche had changed. There was no longer any joy in his eyes† (Wiesel 16). This quote shows how Moche is now void of happiness and joy. His eyes, which once held tranquility, now hold nothing. In the following quote, eyes show how the prisoners were suddenly full of hope of being rescued when the camp was bombed. â€Å"We filled our lungs with the fire- and smoke-laden air, and our eyes shone with hope† (Wiesel 67-68). At that moment, every prisoner in Buna was completely full of hope of rescue and disregarded the air full of smoke. While eyes showed people’s hope, it also showed their feelings and ambition. Wiesel used eyes to convey character’s true emotions and desires in his narrative. Franek shows his true desire when he sees Elie’s gold crown through his eyes a few days after Elie was whipped by Idek. â€Å"This sympathetic, intelligent youth was suddenly no longer the same person. His eyes gleamed with desire† (Wiesel 62). His eyes gleamed with the desire of a small gold crown. He is no longer intelligent and just wants to follow his greed. The following example takes place before the bombing at Buna when all prisoners stare with desire at the cauldron of soup and the men approaching it. â€Å"Hundreds of eyes looked at them, sparkling with desire† (Wiesel 66). The prisoner’s true feelings are conveyed by their eyes; they are full of wanting and need; they deeply desire sustenance and nourishment. The next quote happens near the end of the story when Elie and the rest of the prisoners fiercely brawl over scraps of bread. â€Å"Wild beasts of prey, with animal hatred in their eyes; an extraordinary vitality had seized them, sharpening their teeth and nails† (Wiesel 105). The fury in their eyes displays how desperate the prisoners are for a mere scrap of bread. They have become beasts hunting and murdering to live. Their love and compassion has been removed and replaced with only the desire of survival. Shortly after, an old man escaped the war for survival with a small piece of bread hidden in his shirt. â€Å"With remarkable speed he drew it out and put it in his mouth. His eyes gleamed; a smile, like a grimace, lit up his dead face† (Wiesel 106). His eyes gleamed from feeling a taste of life and salvation. With his desire of a speck of nourishment fulfilled, the old man is now glad and satisfied. Eyes, while showing emotion, also display their health status. Throughout the narrative, eyes demonstrate the status of people’s souls. The following quote occurs after Elie and his father first arrive to the first camp and are worn down by endless running and beatings while being naked. â€Å"I glanced at my father. How he had changed! His eyes had grown dim† (Wiesel 46). Like his eyes, his soul is beginning to wane and dim; he is worn down and is probably not in a healthy condition. The pipel’s eyes demonstrate his condition after being hanged at Buna in the following quote. â€Å"He was still alive when I passed in front of him. His tongue was still red, his eyes were not yet glazed† (Wiesel 72). The pipel has not given up yet. His eyes show he is still alive, but his soul’s essence is dimmed and now weak; he is near death. The following event happens before a selection and Akiba Drumer instantly gives up hope. â€Å"Suddenly his eyes would become blank, nothing but two open wounds, two pits of terror† (Wiesel 82). While Akiba may still be physically alive, his eyes show how his soul is now dead and overwhelmed by terror; he is now a mere walking corpse. Elie and his father are seeking shelter from the frozen temperature in the brick factory in the next scene. â€Å"His eyes were petrified, his lips withered, decayed† (Wiesel 94). Elie’s father’s eyes show how he has been reduced to a brittle stone that is about to crack. Elie Wiesel used eyes as a motif in his narrative, Night, as windows to characters’ inner souls. He used eyes to assist the theme of surviving at all costs throughout the story by giving the audience an insight of people’s true emotions and status. Without eyes, we would have been blind to see past characters’ outer layers of fake emotion. There is more than the eye can see. One has to look deep into another’s eyes to see the true light or darkness within them. Works Cited Wiesel, Elie. Night. Austin: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1994.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Looking for Work free essay sample

In Gary Soto’s essay, â€Å"Looking for Work† he explains his fascination with the â€Å"perfect family† as a child. He watches television shows and wants his lower-class Mexican-American family to be a typical middle-class â€Å"white† family. In order for his family to achieve this he believes that money and wealth are the answer. Gary then goes around the block to find little jobs he can do. He gets some money and then meets up with his best friend Little John who wants to look for work too. Gary then recalls how Little John’s mother got angry about how her son was asking for work. Dinner time rolls around and he thinks about one television show comparing it to his family. He suggests to his mother about serving some more expensive food and dressing up for dinner from now on. Gary’s ideas being ignored he is sent outside with his siblings and looks for work trying so hard to become wealthy. We will write a custom essay sample on Looking for Work or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page This essay portrays how many first generation Americans feel about society. They believe that in order to succeed in America it is important to leave your heritage behind to become â€Å"white† and blend in. As if your heritage was a handicap and that you constantly have to try harder than everyone else to prove something. Being Filipino-American I am not exempt from this feeling. The media has played a big part in what I deemed normal as a child. I watched many television shows where families ate bread and dressed nice to dinner. Unlike my family which ate rice every night and wore slippers to the table. At a young age I was embarrassed of what made me special. Social interaction with other children even made me think twice about who I wanted to be. I always felt I was never invited to some of my friend’s houses because I was Filipino. This made me try harder to win the affection and friendship of my classmates. This essay expresses the feelings that many first generation Americans experience on their road to acceptance.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Hedda Gabler By Ibsen Essay Research Paper free essay sample

Hedda Gabler By Ibsen Essay, Research Paper Henrik Ibsen? s Hedda Gabler is non genuinely declarative of his huge organic structure of work: the supporter is female and the drama is a character survey. Curiously adequate, though, Hedda does non germinate or come on throughout the entireness of the work. Rather, she remains a cold and manipulative adult female. When this fact is realized, the lone undertaking is detecting why Hedda continues as a level character who is restrained from deriving the position of a hero. Truthfully, there are many variables that shape Hedda? s life. However, two factors in peculiar stand out? her male parent, General Gabler, and the repressive, masculine society of the epoch. Although Ibsen does non straight address these issues, he succeeds in conveying their critical significance. A common implicit in subject in Ibsen? s work is the linking of decease and music. And, as one might hold deduced, this premiss is employed in Hedda Gabler. We will write a custom essay sample on Hedda Gabler By Ibsen Essay Research Paper or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Furthermore, the ever-present piano, belonging to the late General Gabler, symbolizes Hedda? s yesteryear freedom, prior to get marrieding George Tesman, as the? General? s daughter. ? A more obvious illustration of General Gabler? s influence over Hedda is the big portrayal of him that dominates the? inner? room. In fact, as Ibsen ab initio describes the individual set, he momently focuses on the presence of the portrayal of the? handsome, aged adult male in a General? s uniform? ( Ibsen Act 1 ) . With this description, the reader is made cognizant of the Rhoades 2 General? s presence, even after his decease. Arguably, the most important influence the General has over Hedda is the fact that Hedda is unable to free herself of her? Hedda Gabler? individuality. It is highly uneven to be known by a name that is, in consequence, a merchandise of the by, as Hedda has late become? Hedda Tesman. ? Throughout the drama, Hedda is referred to as? Hedda Gabler, ? or, more merely, ? General Gabler? s daughter. ? This fact is besides declarative of the sort of ? facelessness? that adult females of the epoch were frequently capable to. Yet another facet of the General? s raising of Hedda is her unusual captivation with his handguns. This captivation is one of the first given hints that Hedda was raised as a male child would hold been. The mere possibility of Hedda being raised as a male is sufficient grounds to explicate her implicit in contempt at being a adult female? unable to show herself as a adult male would. Alternatively, Hedda merely ? contents herself with negative behaviour alternatively of constructive action? ( Linnea 91 ) . Since she can non show herself outright, she amuses herself by pull stringsing others. The most compelling episode of Hedda? s perfected trade name of use is the function she plays in the decease of Eilert Lovborg, a former love. Despite the fact that Eilert is the lone individual who can arouse true passion in her, Hedda feels the demand to destruct him, strictly for the intent of ? [ holding ] the power to model a human fate? ( Ibsen 2 ) . Since she is unable to straight command anyone or anything, Hedda chooses to arise against the society that shapes her and kill one of its hereafter leaders. Acerate leaf to say, the Victorian epoch of literature and society did no T offer a profuseness of chances for immature adult females. This fact is made copiously clear in Hedda Gabler. Despite the fact that society knees Hedda, it is non the lone factor Rhoades 3 that restrains her from deriving independency, every bit good as showing herself. In world, Hedda? s ain cowardliness liberally contributes to her ineluctable terminal. But, of class, the root of her cowardliness is her former life affecting her male parent, General Gabler. Even though Hedda takes pleasance in making dirt, nevertheless, she is deathly frightened of being associated with it. One such incidence involves Thea Elvsted, Hedda? s long- forgotten classmate, explicating to Hedda her current, disgraceful state of affairs refering Eilert Lovborg, who is Thea? s stepchildren? s coach. Specifically, Thea is arising against the conventions of society and prosecuting Lovborg. Hedda, invariably cognizant of dirt, responds in a predictable mode: ? But what do you think people will state of you, Thea? ? ( 1 ) . This scene is the first of many that reveals Hedda? s inability to ignore society and dirt and live the life she has neer dared to populate. Indeed, the exclusive ground that Hedda marries George Tesman is due to the fact that he is the lone one of her suers that expresses an involvement in matrimony. Once once more, Hedda? s fright of society? s ideals for adult females forces her to compromise her ideas and desires, thereby doing her to experience covetous and trapped. ? It [ Hedda? s head ] has simply gone unit of ammunition and round the coop she has built for herself, looking for a manner to flight? ( Ellis-Fermor 43 ) . In other words, Hedda has come to the realisation that there is no manner out of her? topographic point? in society, every bit good as life. She will neer be any adult male? s equal or a? existent? individual. Besides, much like the remainder of society, Tesman views Hedda as an object, a collectable. Finally, due to the fortunes imposed upon her by Norse society, Hedda responds with the 1 act of bravery she has managed to rally in her short, nonmeaningful life? she putting to deaths herself with her male parent? s handgun. Rhoades 4 While Hedda is well responsible for her cowardliness and her failure to sufficiently show herself, the manner in which she was raised, every bit good as the society in which she lives, both drama major functions in the defining of her character. If it were non for her palliating fortunes, every bit good as her lone act of bravery, one can merely theorize what she might hold come to stand for in modern-day womens rightist literature. However, literature is non founded on guess and conjecture work, it is based on seeable feelings, emotions, and actions. With this in head, one is forced to acknowledge what Hedda truly represents: the cold, passionless merchandise of a disapproving and tyrannizing society and male parent. Ellis-Fermor, Una. ? Introduction to Hedda Gabler and Other Plays. ? Modern Critical Positions: Henrik Ibsen. Ed. Harold Bloom. Philadelphia: Chelsea House, 1999. 41. Ibsen, Henrik. Hedda Gabler. Ed. Stanley Applebaum. New York: Capital of delaware, 1990. Linnea, Sharon. Barron? s Book Notes: Henrik Ibsen? s A Doll? s House A ; Hedda Gabler. New York: Barron? s Educational Series, 1985.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Lets Look At Lest

Lets Look At Lest Let’s Look At â€Å"Lest† Let’s Look At â€Å"Lest† By Maeve Maddox Recently I’ve noticed some odd uses of the word lest. Some may be no more than typographical errors, but others appear to result from a misunderstanding of the meaning and function of the conjunction lest. Lest introduces a clause expressive of something to be avoided or guarded against. Here are some examples: In helping my son pack for college, I tucked in a newly framed photo of the family for him to take with him lest he forget what we all looked like. There’s a scene in the movie where the master chef - who’s in his eighties - explains that as a younger man, sushi  recipes would come to him in his sleep. And he would jump out of bed to write them down, lest he forget them by morning. Clip back any branches and remove any plants that will be in the way before you begin, lest you tread on them while erecting the fence. Another use of lest following a verb of fearing, or phrases indicating apprehension or danger, is to introduce a clause expressing what is feared. Here are examples of this usage: Im afraid  to open the door and check,  lest she  be sleeping and I wake her up.   Im afraid  to leave because I am  afraid  of walking past our building managers office,  lest she  realize  Im  unemployed. The chief errors I’ve noticed with lest are these: 1. Following lest with not: INCORRECT: Then Rubio pivoted to Obama, lest not alienate Republicans who like what Trump has to say. (Alex Leary, Tampa Bay Times,) CORRECT : Then Rubio pivoted to Obama, lest he alienate Republicans who like what Trump has to say. Lest is already negative, so it shouldn’t be used with not. Because lest introduces a clause, it should be followed by the subject of the clause that expresses whatever is to be avoided. 2. Introducing a sentence fragment with lest. INCORRECT: Lest he forget that 70% of American Jews voted for Obama and find the politics of the modern GOP repugnant.  (Wayne Besen, Falls Church News-Press) CORRECT : Netanyahu shouldn’t forget that 70% of American Jews voted for Obama and find the politics of the modern GOP repugnant.   Sometimes a sentence fragment is an effective stylistic choice, but not when it is introduced by lest. A clause introduced by lest needs to be attached to a main clause. The fragment â€Å"lest we forget† is frequently used in connection with memorial services, but a main clause is implied: â€Å"We build monuments and hold memorial services lest we forget the sacrifices of the departed.† 3. Confusing lest with the contraction let’s INCORRECT: And lest not forget Jeffersons role in the XYZ Affair where he sabotaged Adams negotiations with the French to avert a war.  (Education site called Reinvented Solutions) CORRECT : And let’s not forget Jeffersons role in the XYZ Affair where he sabotaged Adams negotiations with the French to avert a war.   Related post Least vs Lest Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Misused Words category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Coordinating vs. Subordinating Conjunctions40 Synonyms for â€Å"Different†75 Synonyms for â€Å"Hard†

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Case Study based assessment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Case Study based assessment - Essay Example The combined impact of recession and intensified competition as a result of European de-regulation led to important shifts in business strategy with contrasting implications for its staff, an approach that has, with some modifications, continued until the present day. BA has realized that the competition in the airline industry is growing as the globalization and privatization policies have opened the limits of sky widely and international air carriers started to intrude into the territories of BA. As a result of that, BA decided to adopt the merger policies to strengthen their business prospects. In November 2009, BA reached an agreement with Iberia and both the companies decided to merge together to form a single company. The merger between BA and Iberia resulted in the creation of world’s third-largest airline in terms of annual revenue. The merger was confirmed in April 2010 and it is expected that it will take effect from the end of this year. â€Å"Iberia Airlines appoi nts its chairman, Antonio Vazquez Romero as the new chairman of International Airlines Group (IAG), the new company formed under the merger agreement between Iberia and British Airways (Goldstone, 2010) ‘Employee relations’ in BA is a much debated topic in UK now. Many people believe that BA could have improved their relations with the employees and sustain its identity as a national icon, even amidst stiff competition. Many contextual factors affected the employee relations in BA. Moreover, the employee relations in BA have made lot of impacts in the UK employment sector also. This paper critically analyses the above aspect with the help of the case study provided about British Airways. If employee relations is understood as an arena in which the contest between the pursuit of a market society and the defence of the principles of moral economy is played out, then it is impossible to separate market from nonmarket relations, economy

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Masculinity in commercials Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Masculinity in commercials - Research Paper Example Most movies illustrate that men with a lot of wealth are greatly admired many people in the society (Valentine, 2011). This also associates they power within the society. This makes them become role models within the society. Therefore; most persons would want to get to their levels. Men in successful business are also admired because of several reasons. One of the traits that makes them be greatly admired is the wealth of experience they posses. The experience enables to solve the daily problems they encounter at their work place (Anderson, 2007). The ability to solve problems is a character that is greatly admired by many. The major focus that makes them be admired is because of the wealth they posses. Wealth is admired by all people in the world. Movies and sports constantly display physical attractiveness men display. Physical attractiveness can be defined as the extent at which the physical traits of a person are pleasing aesthetically (Jones, 2010). Physical attractiveness also mean sexual attractiveness the men have. Physical attractiveness demonstrated by men depends on several factors. Some of these factors include the physical aspect of men. Physical attractions encompass perceptions that are universal besides those based on human cultures. In some instances, the term physical attractiveness also depends on the subjective preferences of the person judging a particular scenario. In movies, people have greatly admired males that are not only intelligent but also honest. According to research done in the United Kingdom, the results revealed that there is a stronger relationship between physical attractiveness and male gender attributes. The results showed that men who were physically attractive were equally intelligent. This is one of the reasons as to why people admire males that are physically attractive. They assume that they are also intelligent. Currently; psychologists are also contributing to the debate. They suggest that males that are physically attractive should be intelligent averagely (Little, 2006). According to psychologist, general intelligence, physical attractiveness is one of the contributing factors to genetic fitness in most men. The fitness most men display in sports like Rugby and football is attributed to physical attractiveness. This also makes men be attractive. Women admire men that are taller and are muscular. This guarantees them security from any form of harm. Further, the female genders prefer men that posses’ facial symmetry. Men should have facial dimorphism and a waist that is narrow. Finally, the shape of the torso should be a V-shaped. Sexual dimorphism trait in men is greatly admired in several ways. For example, heterosexual women prefer masculine face traits throughout their developmental stages. The aspects of masculine faces that are greatly admired include a fore head that is broad. A lower face that is relatively longer is equally admired in men. A brow and chin that is prominent is equally admired. Published literature reveals that males that are masculine have higher chances of achieving higher status in the society. Such Socio cultural factors associated with masculine traits also make men be admired (Christian, 2012). Other masculine traits are the perceived attractiveness in the society and conformity to genders. These factors play a great role in the preferences women have towards men. Beautiful women select masculine men with facial dimorphism. Their association with such men increases their

Monday, November 18, 2019

Intelligence Analysis Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Intelligence Analysis - Assignment Example Revelations have been put forward by experts amidst the lack of evidence to prove it. They have only been major suspicions with no supportive evidence. In the midst of these allegations, the western media has built up pressure by its view on Iran. A mock US aircraft carrier has been the source of media frenzy in the West with claims that its purpose was to initiate â€Å"black propaganda† and a means to signify mistrust. On the other hand, Iranian media clarified what it was stating that it was just a movie prop. In the continuing face of the ongoing negotiation over Iran’s contentious nuclear program, allegations that have long been running under have come into the limelight. The allegations are that Iran is a major player in the acts of terrorism targeting Western nations. However, analysts say that it has never gotten much of the U.S. government’s attention at all. The issue is quite intriguing as the two, Iran and terrorists are deemed enemies, but on the other hand, in the eyes of the West, terrorism provides a platform for the two to work in association. These allegations have been put forward by the 9/11 investigating commission, Canadian investigators with the commission recommending that the U.S. government investigates further the ties between Iran and al –Qaida and the investigators alleging that two men involved with plans to derail a train had been receiving guidance for al – Qaida members in Iran. All these have been allegations. However, the only U. S. government to present a concrete case linking Iran to terrorism is the Treasury Department that connected an Iran – based terrorist as a main al – Qaida facilitator (Seldin, Iran’s Ties To Terror Shadow Nuclear Talks). As for the manner in which Western media views Iran, Iran is portrayed in a negative manner. CNN claimed that the mock carrier been built Iran is been done intentionally at a time when negotiations are ongoing over

Friday, November 15, 2019

Choosing Appropriate Quantitative Research Design

Choosing Appropriate Quantitative Research Design Quantitative research is designed to provide quantitative (numerical) data that answers questions related to trends, attitudes, opinions, or the impact of treatment on a population. Before quantitative research begins, it is necessary to identify the purpose of the study, the population to be studied, the variables involved in the study, and the type of data that would be most useful as an end product. After identifying these components, researchers can next hone in on the design of the research, the design of the research collection tool, sampling procedures, the survey or measurement instrument, data collection methods, and data analyses methods (data organization, data interpretation, scaling, etc.) and issues (validity, reliability, threats to validity, etc.).The research is based on theory or hypotheses and is usually tests for the impact of an intervention on a population. The impact of an intervention or treatment may be measured using traditional experimental methods and proc esses or by survey methods. Survey methods include personal interviews, telephone interviews, mailed questionnaires, group administered questionnaires, or dropped-off household surveys (Trochim, 2006). Though the process is presented in simple terms in this paper, the actual design process is a very complex set of decisions related to the methodologies and procedures of quantitative research. This paper seeks to outline the strengths and limitations of the most widely used research design models to determine the appropriate research design for quantitatively researching the use of technology web 2.0 innovations to determine its effect on learning and test performance in the elementary classroom. The quantitative study of the social science is especially challenging because of the fact that the independent variables cannot be manipulated and that the research must often be performed in real time in a natural setting. The research is characterized by the manipulation of a variable but extreme care must be taken not to harm the study participants in any way throughout the study. Research is usually centered around the determination of a property-disposition relationship (attitude-focused) or a stimulus-response relationship (behaviorally-focused). Quantitative researchers must determine which type of relationship is best suited for their specific study. The following are critical factors in making this critical determination: Time Interval: the period of time between introduction of the independent variable and the response to the variable Degree of specificity: isolation of the independent variable to determine its effect Nature of comparison groups: comparison of before/after groups or experimental/control groups for statistical analysis Time sequence of events: determining the timeline for the relationship between cause and effect These elements of quantitative research drive the decisions regarding research methodologies and procedures related to choosing an appropriate research design. The following is a brief overview of the research designs used in social sciences. Quantitative Research Design Comparison Experimental Design Experimental design is usually associated with the life and physical sciences where independent variables are easily manipulated. Experimental design compares the results of an experimental group (that receives exposure to an independent variable) with a control group (that does not receive exposure to an independent variable). This design often uses a pretest and posttest measurement to analyze the differences between groups. The advantages of this type of research design for studying social science include the ability of the researchers to introduce and control extrinsic and intrinsic (independent) variables as well as the easy identification of causal inferences that strengthen the validity of the research. Disadvantages of experimental design for social science includes the inability to replicate the experiment in a real-life social setting resulting in weak external validity and the reliance on volunteers or self-selected participants who may not represent the actual population. As a result, generalizability is decreased due to the small sample of participants selected for the study. Cross-Sectional and Quasi-Experimental Designs Cross-sectional design is recognized by its utilization of surveys to determine study participants backgrounds, past experiences, and attitude to determine the relationship between research variables. This type of research is not conducive to experimental design because of the difficulties in manipulating the independent variable during the study. Cross-sectional design relies on statistical analysis to approximate the relationship between variables and may not produce accurate causal inferences. Internal validity is weak as a result. Quasi-experimental design is identified by random selection of study participants without the requirement of random selection of participants to a comparison group, study of more than one population sample, and studies conducted over time. It is difficult to disaggregate the data produced by this type of study since the population sample will consist of a mixture of subjects with various traits and characteristics. Causal inferences are difficult to determine with this design. Performing the study over time and the analysis of data by (similar) categoric or contrasted (different) groups are strategies used to increase the validity of this design for social science research. Planned variation design, panels, time-series designs, and control-series designs are alternative quasi-experimental social science research designs that attempt to increase internal and external validity by controlling stimuli introduction, research methods, cause-and-effect identification, and causal inference determination respectively. Combined designs employ two or more of the designs mentioned above in effort to assess the causal effects of variables using a multi-method, multi-design approach to studying social science. The advantages offered by these designs include increased internal and external validity as a result of the ability to perform research in real-life, natural settings with a representative population. Since there is no assignment of participants to treatment or comparison groups, researchers are able to perform studies that could be considered unethical or impossible using traditional experimental designs. The disadvantages associated with these designs include difficulty determining causal inferences (due to a wide variety of differences inherent in the study population) and the inability of researchers to manipulate the independent variable. Pre-Experimental Design Pre-experimental design is appropriate when no other design is able to study a population due to limitations in time, population, or a specified event. If there is a single event that occurs at a specified time for a specified group of people, there is only one opportunity to study the impact of a treatment. For this reason, pre-experimental design is considered to be the weakest type of research design with a high risk of causal inference error. There is usually not an assignment of subjects to an experimental or control group and this design usually does not include a comparison group. A one-shot case study is often used with this type of design and does not offer high validity due to the limited ability to generalize study results to a wider population. An advantage of this design includes allowing researchers the ability to scientifically show that more research is needed to explore a particular hypothesis. Weak internal and external validity and the inability to make causal infe rences are considered to be disadvantages for this research design. Determining Which Design is Most Appropriate My research problem studies the relationship between the use of web 2.0 innovative technologies (such as Skype, Second Life, etc.) and depth of research, test performance, and self- motivated learning for grade 3 through 8 students. Important factors that are necessary to consider are the identification of the independent variable, identification of dependent variables, availability of a control or contrast group, ethical implications of this study, and availability of the study (treatment) population. The independent variable in the study is the use of web 2.0 technologies for research. Dependent variables are research depth, test performance, and student self-motivation to learn. The grade 3 through 8 students for the control group and experimental group are available at my current place of employment. Since the treatment involves using technology to learn, there is no presumed risk or ethical issue since using technology is an ordinary part of the students day of learning. The tre atment of using technology for communication over the Internet is a manipulation of the use of technology in the classroom. Special care will be taken to ensure that students adhere to Internet safety rules during communication sessions. Experimental design is the most appropriate research design for this study for the following reasons: Availability and randomization of control and experimental groups Variables can be easily manipulated Pre-test and post-test measurements are possible Causal inferences will be easily identified Johnson and Christensen (2007) state that quantitative research is appropriate for describing what is seen and generating new hypotheses and theories. Since the measurements of the dependent variables reflect behavioral rather than cognitive outcomes, the tools used to measure the study outcomes will not include surveys but rather observational logs. This further supports the use of the experimental design for this study. Other Considerations Other research designs are not considered appropriate and are detailed for the following reasons. Cross-sectional design is not appropriate for this study because surveys are not necessary to determine the participants backgrounds, past experiences, or attitudes. Also, since the independent variable can be manipulated, statistical analysis will not be necessary to approximate causal inferences. Quasi-experimental design should not be employed since the assignment of participants to a control or comparison group is possible and there is no need for an extended period of time for this study. Also, there is no need to systematically introduce stimuli, use panels, or take measurements over a number of time periods. Data is not expected to change for individuals due to history, maturation, or test-retest effects. Furthermore, there are no ethical considerations present in the experimental design for the study. Lastly, the pre-experimental design is not appropriate for this study since thi s is not an event-based or time-sensitive study.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

William Blakes The Tyger Essay -- William Blake Tyger Essays

William Blake's The Tyger In â€Å"The Tyger,† William Blake uses meter and rhyme to enhance both the meaning and the rhythm of his piece. The chanting nature is reinforced by frequent end-stop and catalectic endings for the lines. By melding these devices, Blake has managed to create a powerful poem – hidden in the casual style of a nursery rhyme. The meter of â€Å"The Tyger† is mostly trochaic tetrameter (four feet per line; stressed-unstressed). Or trochaic three-and-a-half meter, really – Blake uses a catalectic ending (the dropping of the last unstressed syllable) on every trochaic line. This, along with the insertion of several iambic tetrameter lines, allows every end syllable to be stressed – thus forming a forceful beat to the poem, reminiscent of the tiger’s power. The set beat goes along with the words of the first stanza to create an image of a tiger prowling steadily through the dark forest. Blake uses this chanting, plodding rhythm as an almost musical backdrop for the reading of his poem – where he varies, it simply adds to the harmony. The first instance of iambic tetrameter occurs in the first stanza’s last line. Personally, I think Blake switched meters for that line in order to draw attention to that particular line, and place more emphasis on the first (and pervading) question of the poem. That line is the first to be non-catalectic, and, as a result, seems more complete – which is supported by the meaning of the line. The speaker is wondering what higher power could possibly have created the tiger; in speaking of a higher power, it seems only natural that that line should somehow bigger than the others, and have more weight or emphasis. Blake uses the same idea in the fifth stanza, where both ... folded steel, he personifies the stars, who â€Å"water’d heaven with their tears† – presumably at the beauty and power of the tiger. This lends majesty to both that which brought them to tears – God – and that which received the tears – the tiger. The stars give the reader almost an ‘outside’ perspective on the tiger; Blake uses them in order to show what others feel for its majesty, which reflects into what conclusions the reader will draw about the subject. Through his meter and techniques, Blake well manages to enforce a chanting rhythm and powerful voice. Demanding questions and vivid images belie the simple nature of his end rhyme – which turns out to be not simple at all, but to explore a deep, driving question. (All while alluding to his previous work.) â€Å"The Tyger,† upon close inspection, is shown to both sophisticated and complicated in its methods.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Library Issues About Public Image/ Gender

Stereotyping is not actually a bad thing. However, the consequences of stereotyping are the ones that are important and matter (Marinelli and Baker, 2000). The people may ignore the existence of these stereotypes but the effects of these on the people are very crucial. Image, on the other hand, is an issue and problem everywhere but the social situation is differs from one place to another. The image of librarians was being molded as early as the 1870s. Married women and men already had jobs and positions in the society. However, the single, unmarried women were left out and had no position in the society. These women engaged in professions such as: librarianship, nursing, social work and elementary school teaching which were not restricted to any gender and to civil status. Librarians’ work consisted of uplifting the morals of a middle-class home through books and to rescue people suffering from moral and intellectual poverty. (Garrison as cited by Engle, 1998) Reed (1995), on the other hand, said that librarianship was initially a job for men and was only feminized in the late nineteenth century. Even if the women were able to enter the profession, the men were retained but were able to advance to higher positions, administrative ones. Also, men comprised and dominated the American Library Association in 1876. The women were attracted to the profession because of the limited employment possibilities. The feminization of the profession came about as women were believed to be able to change the atmosphere in the library. Specifically, women are believed to soften the environment of stacks of books. Green (n.d.) conducted a survey that led to the stereotyping of the librarian as a woman, usually having old age, fair skin and single and there were no specifics on hair color. Marinelli and Baker (2000) and Goldstein (1977 as cited by Reed, 1995; Kneale, 2004), on the other hand, typecasted librarians to ladies with hair arranged in a bun, wearing chained spectacles, with a body covered up with a dress, hushing when noise is being heard and with a worried expression. Men librarians, alternatively, are being questioned with regards to their masculinity. They are usually characterized to be ineffectual, effeminate and unathletic (Reed, 1995). Surprisingly, in Green’s study if the all aforementioned characteristics would be expected to be present in a person to be able to define a librarian, there would be no librarians at all. The characteristics may be present at one person at a time, but not all. Thus, stereotyping is not true in the study. In the same manner, only the spectacles hold as a true characteristic of a librarian in Marinelli and Baker’s (2000) study. The impolite attitude of the librarian only holds true for some cases. And, the generalization of the unfriendly manner of the librarians may be attributed to the silent atmosphere of the library. It can therefore be said that the characterization of stereotypes does not come from the characteristics of real-time librarians. Marinelli and Baker (2000) justified stereotyping has a function in the society. The aged women, spectacles and being single are features that people do not want to emulate, but can somewhat be a convenient reprsentation of the unattractive, meek and rejected. In addition, the dominance of the women in the profession also contributed to the negative overtone in the stereotype (Carmichael, 1992 as cited by Marinelli and Baker, 2000). Similarly, other professions that are dominated by women are also being criticized. The characteristics of the librarian as said on the previous paragraph can be credited to the public librarians. They are the image keepers of the profession as they are the ones that people frequently see and look at (Marinelli and Baker, 2000). Also, the public are not much aware of special librarians or archivists. These people are also librarians but cater a specialized clientele. Although the public librarians constitute only a small portion of the total librarians, the stereotype has been used in many types of media, including films, that it became persistent characteristics. The forms of literature are one of the possible causes of stereotyping of librarians. Most literature often associated librarianship to lonesome characters in both men and women (Marinelli and Baker, 2000). Only a few have explored the possibilities of other characteristics of librarians, one of which is: â€Å"sexy librarians†, a novel written by Edith Wharton in 1918. Films, on the other hand, characterize librarians differently (Raisch, 1993 as cited by Marinelli and Baker, 2000). Films’ portrayal of librarians vary from spinsters (Donna Reed in â€Å"It's A Wonderful Life†, Hilda Plowright in â€Å"Philadelphia Story† or the librarian in â€Å"Breakfast at Tiffany’s†), repressed ladies (Barbara Stanwyck in â€Å"Forbidden†), mean archivists (Bertha in â€Å"Citizen Kaine†) to innocent blondes (Carole Lombard in â€Å"No Man of Her Own† or Goldie Hawn in â€Å"Foul Play†). And some also feature male librarians (John Rothman in â€Å"Sophie's Choice†, Jason Robards in â€Å"Something Wicked This Way Comes† and Peter Sellers in â€Å"Only Two Can Play†). However, the actors and actresses that play librarians are often attractive people (Katherine Hepburn, Parker Posey, Peter Sellers) that their portrayal is not seen to reflect the real thing. The specialized training of librarians that is not publicly known may be a factor that affects the public perception on librarianship. Their tasks such as referencing, checking and shelving are seen simply as clerical tasks. Nevertheless, there is a Masters in Library and Information Science that is a sort of requirement in the field of professional librarianship. Those without the degree may not be able to advance to the professional level but still be a librarian. Sadly, librarians are much affected by the negative typecasting of their profession.   Distress and denial are the two main reactions of librarians regarding the negative stereotyping in their profession (Engle, 1998). Librarians had to be weighed down by the emotional stress of the typecasting. These in turn cause social pressures on the librarians and cause further dismal attitude. Real-life librarians, actually, do not like the stereotyping of their profession because they personally do not want to be attributed to something unattractive and restrict the entrance of males in the profession (Morrisey and Case, 1988; Carmichael, 1992 as cited by Marinelli and Baker, 2000). Also, Wilson (1982 as cited by Marinelli and Baker, 2000) said that stereotyping might have caused real librarians to not like librarians, including themselves. This is because the librarians react to their occupational identity, instead of reacting as an individual. Due to the typecasting, the librarians are being forced to act as a minority group. The negative stereotyping also causes librarians to think poorly of their profession, especially those on the public libraries and schools (Marinelli and Baker, 2000). The pride of the profession is being lost in the issues. Librarians nowadays are not immediately associated to being professionals. They are just people who look after publications in a room or building. Also, these cause downbeat on client perceptions, status and organizations. The clientele of the librarians may decrease because of the negativity on the profession. Both the status of the people and the organizations that are currently in the profession is also being prejudiced without proper exploration. Furthermore, funding and recruitment for new librarians are being affected. Due to the issues on librarians, people who are interested in entering the profession may reconsider. Only those who work as special librarians in private institutions are properly paid. Some also feel that they are being less valued by the society as compared in 1988 (Bobrovitz and Griebel, 2001). Conversely, there are still librarians that are satisfied with their profession (Bobrovitz and Griebel, 2001). They believe that they are valuable to their employer, with respect to their skills, but are still being subjected to issues causing them to think that they are underappreciated by the society. Despite the negative typecast on the profession, their morals are still up but seek the improvement and image of the career, to change some misinformation for every librarian’s sake. Yet, the negative connotation on the stereotype characteristics of the librarian can also be beneficial. Lately, the issues caused them to make an effort in improving the quality of their work. Through some changes, they believe the public’s perception of the librarians will change and will enable the creation of another stereotype for the profession (Paul and Evans 1988 as cited by Marinelli and Baker, 2000; Bobrovitz and Griebel, 2007). However, the librarians must collectively make this effort in order to overhaul the typecast set on the profession. Even the slightest mistake of only one librarian is very crucial because instead of putting up a good image, things may go for the worse. This made the stereotyping more than an individual behavior. There had been actions to lessen the negative publicity regarding the librarians. McCormack, since the 1987, had been advocating protest for negative ads of librarians (Marinelli and Baker, 2000). Through the American Libraries’ column, â€Å"Image: How They’re Seeing Us†, pictures have been revealing both the negative and positive images on librarianship. Through the revelation of some of the extreme negative publicity, there had been realizations of too much prejudice in the society with regards to librarianship. Somehow, the images that show the goose-stepping and hushing librarians have decreased in number. Chances of redeeming the status of the librarian profession is very likely because of technological advancements, faculty status for librarians, unionization and contracting (Marinelli and Baker, 2000). Due to technological advancements, librarians are now taking up positions such as technology managers and information specialists. Although machines also pose as a threat to librarian employment, computers are essential in making information more available and convenient to clients. After all, librarians can employ themselves as consultants and trainers. Also, there have been changes in the perception towards librarians as 10 years before. The business of librarianship is also being appreciated more. However, the term librarianship holds some kind of stigma that corporations appreciate the profession more without mentioning the word librarian. (Kneal, 2006) References Bobrovitz, J. and Griebel, R. (2001). If the (Sensible) Shoe Fits: The Image of the Librarian. Retrieved October 30, 2007 Engle, M. (1998). Ethymologizing Work: The Role of Archetypal Images in the Humanization of Librarianship. Retrieved October 30, 2007, from Green, Paul (n.d.) Paul Green’s Librarian Stereotype Survey: Highlights. Retrieved October 30, 2007, from Kneale, R. (2004). Where’s The Librarian? Retrieved October 30, 2007, from Marinelli, S. and Baker, T. (2000). Image and The Librarian: An Exploration of a Changing Profession. Retrieved October 30, 2007, from Reed, R. (1995). From Librarian to Information Scientist: Technology and Occupational Change in A Traditional Woman’s Occupation. Retrieved October 30, 2007, from ; ;

Friday, November 8, 2019

The Difference Between Avere and Tenere

The Difference Between Avere and Tenere Learning a new language is not only tough because there are thousands of new words to learn, but even tougher because those words often overlap in meaning. This is definitely the case with the two verbs in Italian - â€Å"tenere - to hold, to keep† and â€Å"avere - to have, to obtain, to hold†. What are the main differences? First, tenere is often understood as to keep or to hold, like to keep a window open, keep a secret or hold a baby. Avere is to understood as meaning, to have, in the sense of possession, like age, fear, or an iPhone. Second, tenere is used, more often in the south, particularly in Naples, in the place of avere, but grammatically, its incorrect. Meaning, even if you hear Tengo 27 anni or Tengo fame, its not grammatically correct. Here are some situations where choosing between avere and tenere might be tricky. Physical Possession 1.) To have/keep an item Ho una mela, ma voglio mangiare un’arancia. - I have an apple, but I want to eat an orange.Non ho una borsa che si abbina a/con questo vestito. - I don’t have a purse that matches this dress.Ho il nuovo iPhone. - I have a new iPhone. In the situation above, you couldnt use tenere as a substitute for avere. Tengo questo iPhone fino alluscita di quello nuovo. - Im keeping this iPhone until the new one comes out. 2.) To not have any money Non ho una lira. - I dont have any money. Here, you can use tenere, but avere is still preferred. Non tengo una lira. - I dont have any money. Non avere/tenere una lira is an expression that literally means, I dont have one lira. To Maintain a Situation 1.) Keep/have a secret È un segreto che tengo per Silvia, quindi non posso dirtelo. - Its a secret that Im keeping for Silvia, so I cant tell it to you. However, if you have a secret and youre not keeping a secret for anybody, you can just use avere. Ho un segreto. Ho un amante! - I have a secret. I have a lover! 2.) Have/keep in pockets Ha le mani in tasca. - He has his hands in his pockets. In this situation, both avere and tenere can be used. Tiene le mani in tasca. - He has (keeps) his hands in his pockets. 3.) Have/keep In mind Ti spiegherà ² quello che ho in mente. - Ill explain to you what I have in mind. In this context, avere and tenere can both be used although the sentence structure will change. Tieni in mente quello che ti ho detto ieri. – Keep in mind what I told you yesterday. To Hold Something 1.) Hold/have a baby in your arms Tiene in braccio un bimbo. Il bebà © ha sei mesi. - She is holding a baby in her arm. The baby is six months. In this situation, you can use avere interchangeably. Ha in braccio un bimbo. Il bebà © ha sei mesi. - She is holding a baby in her arm. The baby is six months. 2.) Have a bouquet of flowers Perchà © hai un mazzo di fiori? Hai molti spasimanti? - Why do you have a bouquet of flowers? Do you have a lot of admirers?Non posso rispondere perchà ¨ ho un mazzo di fiori in mano. - I can’t answer the phone because I’m holding a bouquet of flowers. Then, the person youre talking to might respond to you using the verb tenere. Rispondi, che te lo tengo io. - Answer, and I’ll hold it for you. 3.) Hold a bouquet with style La sposa tiene il bouquet con classe. - The bride holds the bouquet in her hands with style. In the example above, tenere is used to stress the way she holds the bouquet. To help make this easier, use tenere whenever you have something that youre physically holding in mano - in your hands or in braccio - in your arms. It can also be used in figurative expressions, as you saw tenere in mente, but since we would be likely to translate that as keep in mind, its easier to distinguish from avere. Avere, on the other hand, is used to talk about something you possess, either literally or figuratively. If you find yourself in conversation, and you cant think of which one is right to use, its best to ask yourself what the simplest meaning is.  For example, instead of saying, He had a change of heart, you can say, He changed his mind or â€Å"Ha cambiato idea†.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Free Essays on Cloning

The biological term cloning is the production of a genetically identical duplicate of an organism. However, people can use the word cloning to intend other meanings. For instance, we generalize many older and new techniques as cloning. This is not a good practice because these techniques are different and impose unique concerns and issues. In the world of scientific technology, cloning is the artificial production of organisms with the same genetic material. Scientists actually call the transferring of a nucleus from the cell of one organism to an enucleated egg cell, nuclear transfer (Wilmut 811). This will produce an organism that has the exact genetic material as that of the donor cell. Scientists are using current techniques exceedingly more, and with a variety of species. Astonishingly, more clones are present in the world than one would think. In nature, and even in the lives of humans, clones are present. As stated earlier, a clone is an organism that has the same genetic info rmation as another organism. From this we can say that cloning occurs with all plants, some insects, algae, unicellular organisms that conduct mitosis or binary fission, and occasionally by all multi-cellular organisms, including humans. Monozygotic twins, or identical twins, are clones of each other. They have the same exact genetic information due to the division of an embryo early in development, which produces two identical embryos. About eight million identical twins are alive in the world; thus, already eight million human clones inhabit the world. Today, the only cloning research is occurring in scientific model organisms. These are organisms that research scientists from around the globe have collected abundant amounts of data. All this data is necessary so that advancements in research can continue more efficiently. The most common scientific models are E. coli, mice, fruit flies, and frogs. The first organisms that were cloned using nuclear transfe... Free Essays on Cloning Free Essays on Cloning The biological term cloning is the production of a genetically identical duplicate of an organism. However, people can use the word cloning to intend other meanings. For instance, we generalize many older and new techniques as cloning. This is not a good practice because these techniques are different and impose unique concerns and issues. In the world of scientific technology, cloning is the artificial production of organisms with the same genetic material. Scientists actually call the transferring of a nucleus from the cell of one organism to an enucleated egg cell, nuclear transfer (Wilmut 811). This will produce an organism that has the exact genetic material as that of the donor cell. Scientists are using current techniques exceedingly more, and with a variety of species. Astonishingly, more clones are present in the world than one would think. In nature, and even in the lives of humans, clones are present. As stated earlier, a clone is an organism that has the same genetic info rmation as another organism. From this we can say that cloning occurs with all plants, some insects, algae, unicellular organisms that conduct mitosis or binary fission, and occasionally by all multi-cellular organisms, including humans. Monozygotic twins, or identical twins, are clones of each other. They have the same exact genetic information due to the division of an embryo early in development, which produces two identical embryos. About eight million identical twins are alive in the world; thus, already eight million human clones inhabit the world. Today, the only cloning research is occurring in scientific model organisms. These are organisms that research scientists from around the globe have collected abundant amounts of data. All this data is necessary so that advancements in research can continue more efficiently. The most common scientific models are E. coli, mice, fruit flies, and frogs. The first organisms that were cloned using nuclear transfe... Free Essays on Cloning Genetic Engineering; Cloning In today’ world of advanced technology and even faster progress of this technology one has to stop and examine what we have accomplished. How far do we want to go with this technology of genetic engineering, particularly in the field of cloning. Examining genetic engineering and its many possibilities holds great hope for the future. Centrally the issue of cloning has been a hot topic in the media mainly because its has become a technological as well as a medical breakthrough. The possibilities of cloning are innumerable that is, if it works. But the other side of the coin are the ethics of the process. What happens when we master cloning of body parts and venture out to clone humans? Will this clone be someone who has feelings, and mind and a spirit of its own? Will it have a soul? Genetic Engineering, the alteration of an organism's genetic, or hereditary, material to eliminate undesirable characteristics or to produce desirable new ones(Brennan, 57) . Genetic engineering is used to increase plant and animal food production; to diagnose disease, improve medical treatment, and produce vaccines and other useful drugs.(Brennan, 58). Included in genetic engineering techniques are the selective breeding of plants and animals, and recombinant DNA. The first genetic engineering technique, still used today, was the selective breeding of plants and animals, usually for increased food production. In selective breeding, only those plants or animals with good characteristics are chosen for further breeding. Corn has been selectively bred for increased kernel size and number and for nutritional content. More recently, selective breeding of wheat and rice in an effort called the green revolution has helped supply the world's ever-increasing need for food(Clarke, 1211). This is also another aspect of technology that has improved over the years. Production has proved that we can grow more with less land mass. Cattle a...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Imperialism, WWI, and Modernism Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Imperialism, WWI, and Modernism - Coursework Example As such, it was important at that time that the U.S. did not willingly get involved in any types of skirmishes overseas. The attitude toward the individual in the World War I era was the preceding boondoggle that would eventually cast a pall over the country as the Great Depression later set in. Conrad’s story reflects this pessimism. According to Conrad (2006), â€Å"Between us there was, as I have already said somewhere, the bond of the sea. Besides holding our hearts together through long periods of separation, it had the effect of making us tolerant of each other's yarns—and even convictions† (pgh. 4). Conrad mentions that he is â€Å"tolerant,† but not accepting—which is an even higher form of tolerance that moves beyond just allowing someone or something to exist without deference for the person or thing itself. T.S. Eliot’s poem The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock takes an even more pessimistic view on life. Obviously he feels the prob lems that come with getting old, and sounds like a whiny elderly man. He talks about how he’s losing his hair, and how he wants to walk upon the beach, eat a peach, and basically do whatever he wants. However, he feels that he is being constrained by the social duties placed upon him in life. According to Eliot (1917), â€Å"I have measured out my life with coffee spoons† (line 51). ... All three of these writers basically make clear that the World War I era was full of people whose personalities were somewhat diluted because of the fact that people were trying to maintain societal images, while all the time inside themselves, people were wanting to act out and do things their own way. The early 20th century was a time when mobility changed from horse and buggy to the car. The new stressors that came with modern life fully affected people, and life began to go at a faster pace, yet still peoples’ minds slowed down as they tried desperately to maintain social order and good social graces in the face of WWI. Imperialism and the development of colonies all over the world by various European countries compounded this depressive attitude. Modernism in literature definitely mimicked this attitude well, as can be seen from the literature surveyed here. Part Two: Does this more depressed view of humanity and the individual continue to the present? Use your own experi ences to help answer this question. (280 words) This more depressed view of humanity continues to haunt us in present-day America. People are very upset with the fact that there are two wars going on overseas and our national budget is at over $10 trillion dollars—not to mention the U.S. owes a lot of that money to China. Americans are depressed because they can’t get jobs. Americans are depressed because our military budget is overreaching other forms of budgeting that would provide assistance to those Americans who are most needy. In my own experience, we live in a very depressing era because—although the world is becoming much more technologically advanced and

Friday, November 1, 2019

Cluster Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Cluster Analysis - Essay Example There are various statistics associated with cluster analysis which are used for analyzing the data. Clustering can be hierarchical or non hierarchal and these are further classified into various methods. Hierarchal clustering is developed as a tree like structure. This method can be either agglomerative or divisive. In agglomerative clustering each object is formed as a separate cluster which is formed by grouping into bigger clusters and the process is continued till all the cases form as members of a single cluster. In agglomerative method, the various methods such as linkage methods, error sum of squares or variance and central methods are used. Linkage method includes single linkage, complete linkage and average linkage. The single linkage method is based on the minimum distance. The complete linkage is based on the maximum distance. And the average linkage is based on the average distance between all pairs of objects, so that one member of the pair is from each of the clusters. Variance method is used to minimize the within -cluster variance. Ward's procedure is a variance method where the squared euclidean distance to the cluster means is minimized. In the centroid method the distance between the two clusters is computed as the distance between their centroids. Generally the average linkage and Ward's method are supposed to perform better than other procedures. Now we shall discuss the various statistics associated with cluster analysis. Agglomerative schedule gives information on the cases being combined at each stage of a hierarchical clustering. The mean value of the variable associated with all cases in a cluster is known as cluster centroid. Dendogram is a tree like graph which displays the result of cluster analysis. The clusters which are joined together are represented by vertical lines. The position of line indicates the distance where the clusters are joined. This graph is a generally read from left to right. The distance between cluster centers indicates how the pairs of clusters are separated. If the clusters are widely separated and distinct then they are desirable. Icicle diagram is a graph, which displays the clustering results. It is called as icicles which hang from the eaves of a house. The columns represent the cases being clustered and the rows correspond to the number of clusters. This diagram is read from bottom to top. In this case chestnut ridge club clustering is considered on the attitude of the respondents in terms of joining a club. And the respondents expressed on a scale of 1-5, the objective here is group similar cases and to measures how similar or different the case are. The approach is to measure similarity in terms of distance between pairs of objects. There are different methods to measure the distance. These methods can be used to measure and the results can be compared. In hierarchical clustering agglomerative clustering is selected and Wards procedure is used to measure the distance. Generally the choice of clustering method and choice of a distance measure are related. Here the variables are measured on a five-point scale. The Wards linkage method is used to find the average distance between all pairs of objects. In this variance method the squared Euclidean distance to the cluster means is minimized. The important outputs obtained here are agglomeration schedule which shows the number of clusters combined at each

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Leasing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Leasing - Essay Example This is a long term purchase where the price value should be substantially lower than the market value which determines the amount to be recorded. c. During the first year of the lease, Lani is expected to incur expenses that equals or exceeds at least 90 per cent of the fair value of the property that is leased. Basically, these expenses are determined by the value of the property at inception of the lease and this value is agreed by both the lessee and lessor. d. Lani should report the lease transaction on its December 31, 2006, balance sheet as an acquisition of an asset. Virtually, a lease agreement transfers ownership of property to the lessee and this should be reflected on the balance sheet as purchase of assets which adds property value to the company. 2a. The criteria that must be met by Doherty Company to classify it as a capital lease is that it must transfer substantially all of the benefits and risks of the ownership of property to the lessee. If the agreement transfers the property rights to the lessee, then it will be classified as a capital leases given that it will be an acquisition of the property by the lessee. In this particular case, Doherty Company should transfer ownership to the lessee in order for it to classify it as a capital lease. b. In order for Lambert Company to classify the lease as a sales-type, it must be able to realise a profit from the lease or be able to determine if it is making a loss. In actual fact, Lambert Company as the lessor must be better positioned to generate some revenue that can contribute to the profit margins of the organisation. Lambert Company can classify this lease as direct financing lease if it does not record any profit from the lease. It will be widely viewed as a lending institution. c. The main difference between a sales type lease and a direct financing lease is that the main reason behind a sales lease is to realise profits while direct financing is not primarily concerned with profits but just r evenue generation. Therefore, the purpose of the lease and the goals to be achieved are the major factors that make a distinction between the two. However, accounting steps for these two types of leases are just the same. Part 2 During the contemporary period, it can be noted that companies continue to acquire property to improve their operations. Leasing is an alternative means of acquiring long-term assets to be used by business firms (Schroeder, Clark & Cathey, 2005). Leases provide for the right for use of the property by the lessees since they are given the obligation to make a series of payments over a long period of time. As such, leases are similar to long-term debt which enables the lessee to utilise off-balance sheet financing. This paper therefore is mainly concerned with explaining the meaning of debt and equity financing in relation to lease verses purchase options. According to wisegeek, â€Å"debt financing is a way of raising some funds to generate working capital f or the organisation which can be used to fund special projects.† In this regard, the issuer may issue bonds or other debt instruments that can be used as a means of financing the debt associated with the project. Debt financing has a clear start and end

Monday, October 28, 2019

Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry Essay Example for Free

Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry Essay White makes right means that the whites are never wronged for their actions whenever a white does something clearly wrong to a black while the black has done right. In fact, the blame is pushed to the blacks instead, simply because whites are perceived to be the superior race. What is counted as morally right or morally wrong depends on how society perceives it, when what is usually right or wrong should not be determined by how the majority feels towards another race, especially when they are biased. As such, this has resulted in a lot of unjust treatment towards the blacks. This can be clearly seen through three incidents: Mr Morrisons loss of a job, the burning of the Berrys and Cassies encounter with Lillian Jean in Strawberry. Firstly, an incident that illustrates White makes right is Mr Morrisons loss of a job, since he is depicted as being in the wrong although he was provoked into the fight, and he is made to bear the consequences although there are no consequences for the others, simply because of their race. Mr Morrison lost his job as he got in a fight with some men whose fault was theirs. However, the other men did not get fired because they was white. This shows that one’s actions’ consequences differs based on race. Starting a fight is clearly wrong, and as the whites were the ones who started it, it is only fair if they got fired. However, even though Mr Morrison did not start the fight, he got fired instead of the other men just because they were white and deemed superior to blacks. This shows that blacks are not allowed to start a fight without being punished regardless of the injustice targeted at them. However, whites are allowed to because of underlying reasons and they will not be punished as they have justifiable reasons. Thus, white makes right is clearly shown in this case, where we see that regardless of whether the whites do the wrong things towards the blacks, the main detrimental consequences will still be for the blacks and not the whites, simply because of racism. Also, this shows us that when whites do something which is wrong, it is simply brushed aside and they do not really suffer many consequences, however the blacks suffer the consequences instead once they decide to respond. Secondly, an incident that illustrates White makes right is the burning of the Berrys. White men accused John Henry of flirtin' with a white woman and began rammin the back of they car and lit him afire with them boys. When Henrietta, a relative of the Berrys, reported it to the police, he called her a liar and aint a thing gonna be done bout it. Attacking and killing somebody is clearing wrong and illegal. However, the white men go unpunished. This clearly shows that white men can get away with abusing and killing black men. To justify their actions, they find an excuse, which in this case John Henry had been flirting with a white woman, while probably all he did was smile in the wrong place at the wrong time. The blacks clearly did not do anything wrong, but Henriettas testimony is powerless to make the police investigate. This shows that the blacks are denied justice despite the fact they are being victimised. It also shows that the truth is meaningless in white society. Thus, white makes right as the power of language is determined by race rather than validity, so they can come up with an excuse to justify their actions easily and accuse blacks of doing and result in them being punished. It is also extremely difficult for blacks to prove their innoncence, since people are generally biased against them, whereas the words spoken by whites are considered credible and believable. This also shows that white makes right, since the whites are deemed to be reliable and their statements the truth, as opposed to the blacks who are labelled as lying even if they tell the truth, so what the blacks say would naturally be labelled as wrong while the whites would be labelled as right. Thirdly, an incident that illustrates White makes right is Cassies encounter with Lillian Jean in Strawberry. When Cassie bumped into Lillian Jean, she demanded Cassie to get down in the road and apologize by addressing her as Miz Lillian Jean. As whites are deemed to be superior to blacks in white society, when a black collides into a white, blacks should apologise to the whites and never the other way round as they are always perceived as correct. However, if a black were to demand fair, equal treatment, it is stated that this is not necessary as it is considered demeaning for the whites to apologise to blacks, or even to address them normally. This shows us that regardless of blacks’ intentions, and whether they do something out of accident or not, it really depends on the whites’ perception of their actions. The moment whites decide that their actions are wrong, such as bumping into Lillian jean accidentally, we see that the Cassie is automatically labelled as wrong based on her actions. However, if Lillian Jean were to engage in the same action, she would not be forced to apologise to Cassie, neither would she be forced to call Cassie with the honorific of â€Å"Miss. † Thus, white makes right since the whites are able to state whether the blacks’ actions have wronged them or not, even when the blacks did it unintentionally, and we see that if the whites do the same actions on the blacks, they do not need to apologise, whereas the blacks not only need to apologise, but also have to address them with respectful terms. To conclude, the three incidents that illustrate White makes right are Mr Morrisons loss of a job, the burning of the Berrys and Cassies encounter with Lillian Jean in Strawberry. Mr Morrisons loss of job shows that regardless of what the blacks do, as long as they respond to the whites when provoked, then they are considered to be at fault and are made to bear the consequences. The burning of the Berrys show that the power of language is determined by race rather than validity, making whatever the whites say reliable and making it difficult for the blacks to prove their innocence. Cassies encounter with Lillian Jean in Strawberry shows how the blacks’ actions, even when unintentional, can be construed as bad just because the whites perceive them to be so, and the blacks are made to apologise to the whites with honorific terms of respect even though they may not have intentionally done anything to harm them. Thus, this clearly shows how â€Å"white makes right.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

A Brief History of Aesthetics Essay -- essays papers

A Brief History of Aesthetics Aesthetics is the theoretical study of the arts and related types of behavior and experience. It is traditionally regarded as a branch of philosophy, concerned with the understanding of beauty and its manifestations in art and nature. However, in the latter 20th century there developed a tendency to treat it as an independent science, concerned with investigating the phenomena of art and its place in human life. Yet, what in a field with a hazy line in between being classified as a science or study of beliefs is considered data for determining what can be studied? It can simply be drawn to the only three things involved in the process of art : The creator, the person experiencing, and the art itself. Now this leads us to understand what exactly, is art. studies all the typical â€Å"arts†. This includes music, literature, theatre, dance, film, as well as painting, sculpture, and architecture. This directs the student towards a very broad field. For example, architecture may involve the Sistine Chapel, considered one of the world’s most loved works of art. However, it may also include the landscaping in a small town square. So then, art is defined as something that deals with both the â€Å"useful† and â€Å"fine† arts, insofar as they appeal to aesthetic taste, or as long as they are created with the specific intent to cause a reaction, whether it be positive or negative. Some disagreement about the proper definition of survives from the conflict of rival schools of thought in philosophy and art criticism during the 18th ad 19th centuries, when first achieved recognition as a distinct field of knowledge and examination. The turning point which influenced most scholars to believe that leaned toward the sciences, rather than towards philosophy began with Immanuel Kant’s Critique of Aesthetic Judgment. The approach to beauty and art became more metaphysical and transcendental. A leader in the renewed attempt of art as science was Hippolyte Taine, who proposed that styles of art should be studied in the same way as plants are studied by botanists, and are subject to the same evolutionary development. At the same time in Germany, the name Kunstwissenschaft was applied to the historical writings of Semper, Fiedler, Burckhardt, and Riegl. In their writings, they strove for neutrality in comparative analysis i... ...took place. Through , an area of its own had been set aside for man’s artistic creativity. Now independence turned into domination, and the tendency towards differentiation gave way to desire for total inclusiveness. Art, after liberating itself from service under alien powers, (namely the repression of artists and their art, or the lack of education in the arts) aspired in its turn to embrace life in its entirety. In everything, there is art, and in art, there is everything. Or so it was in German romantic thought. Throughout the history of , which is arguably the length of time held within the universe, not much has been distorted. Art, along with is an incredibly difficult subject to comprehend, due to the varying nature of themes, opinions, and judgments. Not to cite all the societies, time periods, ethnicities, age and gender biased opinions. It is neither a science, nor a philosophy. It is both. within itself is a beauty, which will forever perplex the minds of the world. Art, placed in the neighborhood of philosophy and science reveals its innate inclination, (although undefined) to forever intrigue and perplex both the scientific and philosophical minds.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

The Social and Cultural Costs and Benefits of Entering a Sport Not Trad

The Social and Cultural Costs and Benefits of Entering a Sport Not Traditional to Your Sex/Gender Throughout time, sports have been thought of as feminine sports or masculine sports. Some sports that are thought of as feminine are gymnastics, swimming, tennis, riding, and ice-skating. These tend to be sports that emphasize beauty and grace. Men's sports tend to emphasize strength and power, like football, basketball, or bodybuilding. The social and cultural stereotypes that are placed on men and especially women in the sports world can be hard for an athlete to deal with. Men are expected to be masculine and strong in their sports, while females are expected not to overexert themselves and still keep their feminine appeal. Who is to say what sports are okay for men and women to participate in? Is it fair to place stereotypes on people who are just doing what they love to do? Will these stereotypes diminish over time? In history, women have been given a hard time for coming into sports. Since at least the late 1800s there have been myths about women in sports, some of which we are still working on debunking to this day. Some include the notion that sport masculinizes women, sports are medically risky for women, the female body was not made for sports performance, women are not interested in sports, and women cannot psychologically take the pressure of sports (Oglesby & Shelton, 9). Women were seen as fragile and unable to compete on the same level as men could in sports. Women of this time who played softball, basketball, or track were considered "unladylike" and were questioned of their femininity (Spears, 13). Public recognition of individual female athletes deals more with their feminine beauty and status than to athlet... ...ting could become a role model for a young boy who thought that people would think that he was gay if he skated. Although there are cultural and social costs associated with a person entering a sport that is not traditional for his or her gender, there are also some benefits. The question that only the athlete can answer is whether the benefits out weigh the costs enough to stick with it. I have hope that stereotypes in sports will become less observed. Sports have changed so much in the last century. Women were barely allowed to play certain sports like basketball at the turn of the last century and now we have professional woman's basketball. More changes are coming, slowly but surely they are coming. Just the fact that we are now questioning the costs and benefits of being in a sport that is not necessarily for your gender/sex is a step in the right direction.